2000-10-10 17:59:00
Xavier writes:
Imagine a people that have no spirit at all in his language. Imagine a language solely dedicated to materialistic views. We would be dead spiritually, we would have no soul contact whatsoever, nor could imagine it exists.
Words are doors.
Great comments, Xavier. "Words are doors" could be a famous quote someday.
Chris, have you ever studied Scientology? They work a lot with releasing people from the negative effects of words from the time of conception. I would be interested in knowing what you think of their teachings.
I believe one item overlooked by the Scientologists is that high spiritual contact releases us from most of the negative influences of words, or engrams as they call them. Established soul contact produces an instant clear.
Thanks for your post John. I'm glad my words have been of assistance. Even helping one person makes it all worthwhile.
Now a few words about knowing we are on the correct path by using a measurement of some kind. There is no way one can supply the exterior world with a measurement of spiritual progress. Often those who are making the greatest progress are seen as the greatest devils. Take Jesus for example. The leaders of His day thought that He did the miracles with the assistance of the devil himself. Abraham Lincoln was often compared to an ape by the authorities of his time and condemned to hell by the religious ones because he was not a member of a church.
Judging progress upon the path can only be done by the individual himself or his inner teacher. The main criterion for progress is different than one may expect. If you think you are in motion on the path and progressing toward the light then you are where you should be.
But what if one thinks he is on the path, but is taking a detour? Detours are essential for learning. Learning what? We must all learn what does not work as well as what does work so the important thing is that we are all in motion moving somewhere. True hell, as pointed out by the Parable of Decision is being at a crossroad and not being able to decide upon a path and standing still with fear of failure.
When we do find the path and make real progress we will all (as individuals) sense the increase in vibration and we will be able to internally gauge ourselves so long as we keep our focus on the highest that we know.
"Salvation is the recognition that the truth is true, and nothing else is true. ... For if what is not true is true as well as what is true, then part of truth is false. And truth has lost its meaning. Nothing but the truth is true, and what is false is false."
A Course in Miracles
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved