2000-9-20 11:10:00
The Question:
So if it is not right to force equality through a mandated redistribution of the wealth then how will equality ever be achieved?
It sounds like we have a lot of Ayn Rand fans here. I like her ideas of individual responsibility and independence from government, but being an atheist, I think she did not take into full consideration the natural need for humanity to seek the ideal society which involves love, sharing and spiritual union.
The equality of the human race, as far has having basic needs met and equal opportunity offered, is planted in all human souls and is an ideal that will someday be manifest. The problem is that it cannot become a reality by following either extreme of the swing of the pendulum. It cannot be achieved by do-gooders who want to force us to do right for our own good as has failed time and time again in communism, but neither can it be achieved by an emphasis on selfishness.
What is the answer then?
The answer is simple. Allow people the maximum freedom of choice possible and have faith in the divinity that is in us all. Then those who have understanding should teach the people the divine ideas that are soon to manifest. The results of freedom combined with teaching does not always manifest quick change, but when change does come, it is safe and permanent. Forced change can produce quick results, but always carries a backlash and the people eventually backtrack and work on finding the correct path.
We often think of disease as being of a physical nature, but there is also social and spiritual disease. Our planet is indeed ill and out of balance, but the strange thing is illness is usually caused by some good intention misdirected toward a divine good.
This is illustrated in the fourth Law of Healing given through Alice A. Bailey. "Disease, both Physical and Psychological, has its roots in the good, the beautiful, and the true. It is but a distorted reflection of divine possibilities. The thwarted soul, seeking full expression of some divine characteristic or inner spiritual reality, produces within the substance of its sheaths a point of friction. Upon this point, the eyes of the personality are focused, and this leads to disease. The art of the healer is concerned with the lifting of the downward focused eyes unto the soul, the true Healer within the form. The spiritual or third eye then directs the healing force, and all is well."
Many of the ills of humanity have their "roots in the good, the beautiful, and the true." Leaders sense the need for greater equality, brotherhood and sharing. Instead of working directly under the soul in materializing these objectives, their lower self creates a distorted reflection of divine possibilities. The result is a continuation of a lot of pain and suffering that just does not seem to go away.
The time is coming when teachers of light will surface to lift the downward focused eyes of humanity toward the soul. When the eyes of the downtrodden meet the eyes of the soul, healing begins ands vision is restored. When this occurs, humanity will begin greater sharing and helpfulness through its own free will with the realization that "all souls are one."
The important thing to understand as we seek to apply the principle of the pendulum to solve world and personal problems is that it is never a simple black and white extreme. The most correct direction to solving problems involves seeing through the eyes of the soul, thinking on our feet, and making wise judgments and decisions.
I am happy to be associated with a group such as you who are seeking the middle way approach. I'm sorry I do not have time to comment on all your posts, but have enjoyed them and cannot think of a one that does not have wisdom in it.
A couple other ingredients of the Pendulum are the source of the power behind the swing, and the purpose of the swing. What is this source of power and what is the purpose?
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved