2000-9-6 11:25:00
What is the meaning of the three points on the pendulum which are?
(1) The one on the right
(2) The one on the left
(3) The point at the center.
You have all made good observations here, edifying and thought provoking.
Keep in mind that all symbols have a multitude of correspondences which can be applied to the benefit of the truth seeker. The pendulum as a symbol of duality is certainly a valid one, but we are looking a little beyond this to how the three points play out in real life.
Generally truth and error is seen as the playing out in duality but in this case the truth is seen at the central point - the place where the pendulum points at complete rest or stillness.
So, if this is true, and truth lies not at the extreme points, then what are the two opposing factors? The two opposing points are not truth verses error, but error verses error.
Thus the three points are
Are both errors the same?
One point is error on the right which is error created by holding on to illusion from the past - ideals from the past than need to be released or updated. The point of error on the left is caused by idealistic, but impractical visions of the future that have no chance of working out because flawed thinking and lack of connection with true realities from the past.
So what happens as the pendulum swings among humanity is something like this. We swing past a point of truth that is seen by those centered on the past, or the conservative people. This truth is interpreted with illusion and taken to the right. As it swings to the right those on the left become more and more alarmed and critical. As it swings farther even those who are moderate become concerned. This concern creates a force that pulls on the pendulum bringing it to a halt on the extreme right. At this moment of stillness on the right point, the group, nation or race as a whole see the error of going too far to the extreme right and the pendulum changes direction.
As it then swings toward the left a new image of truth is seen as the center is passed, but because the momentum is toward the future and change, this new idea will be implemented on the liberal side of change and doing things differently from the ways of the past. Now the trouble is that the good foundations of the past are overlooked and the liberals go blindly into their vision to the point that those on the right become alarmed. Then as it swings farther the moderates becomes concerned again and another force is created to reverse direction of the swing.
This process repeats again and again until relative perfection is reached through a perfect balance of the dual forces.
The three points are then as follows:
(1) Point on the right: The point in time and space where an unworkable concept from the past is seen and dropped.
(2) The point in the center: The point where a new vision of truth is seen.
(3) The point on the left: The point in time and space where an unworkable concept which involves altering or replacing a positive truth from the past is seen. This is the point where a truth from the past surfaces and illustrates the error to the group beyond dispute.
An ingredient to the pendulum that no one has mentioned (as far as I remember) is the force that slows the swing of the pendulum. With a physical pendulum this force is called friction.
What is this friction that plays out in the swings of humanity? In other words what creates the force that makes our swings into the two extremes not as pronounced as it was in the past? For instance, we do not throw people we do not like to the lions any more, neither would we burn witches at the stake. We are not as extreme as we used to be - because there is a force that slows the great swings of the masses. What is it?
"The glory of God is intelligence."
Joseph Smith
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved