2000-8-31 12:00:00
The Question:
"In the past we talked about the line of least resistance and the line of most resistance. How do you suppose these two paths play out in the Pendulum Principle?"
When we talked about these two lines (or paths) we mentioned that the "go with the flow" idea is based on illusion.
The swinging of the pendulum manifests among humanity by their swing to the left and right in their belief systems.
For instance, in the forties and fifties the media was so puritanical that all married couples had to be seen sleeping in twin beds. Now they show us more sex than is necessary.
At one time people were put to death for merely questioning religious authorities. Now artists desecrate religious figures with impunity.
A couple hundred yeas ago government did next to nothing to assist its citizens. Now they are turning us in to a bunch of dependent whiners by attempting to do everything for us.
Fifty years ago you could insult anyone you wanted with slurs but now you have to be very careful with your wording or you will be considered politically incorrect.
As the pendulum swings among us, the masses swing with it, not realizing that they are following the energy much more than they are doing any independent thinking.
Those who go "with the flow" give energy to the pendulum to swing to the extreme of the direction it is heading. On the other hand, those who apply the path of most resistance work to make the pendulum swing the opposite direction so it will again pass over the center point. When it makes that pass a truth is seen.
When the truth is seen what effect does it have on the next swing of the pendulum?
"The mind that serves spirit is invulnerable." A Course in Miracles
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved