2000-8-16 11:18:00
Glad to see you are still working on the seed thoughts. From now on, we will give out a new one each month. We'll start that process next month, but for the next couple weeks continue to contemplate any of the three we have already presented which are:
"As I focus my attention on the light of the soul I see a greater light still."
"I am the light of the world."
"I am the dominating good in the hands of God."
I've had several new thoughts come on these statements since we have been discussing them. There is no end to our learning. What I would like you to do is continue to think about these seed thoughts and whenever you receive something you find interesting post it for us. From now on comments on seed thoughts will always be on topic.
I do not have time for a major post tonight, but would like you to continue thinking about the last question:
"What is intuition from an esoteric point of view? What is the difference between instinct, emotional impulse, psychic impression, imagination, the still small voice and intuition? Is soul contact essential before the power of intuition comes into play?"
Let me clarify "emotional impulse." Many people think they are getting inspiration or intuitive thoughts when they are really getting stored and associated memory filtered through their emotional nature. These emotional impulses are often seen as truth right from the mind of God. They are usually twisted reasoning in harmony with what the subject desires to be true.
The Mormon, the Catholic, the Protestant and all other believers generally receive emotional impulses that God supports their doctrine and leaders. Those who burned the lights at the stake during the Middle Ages did so under the emotional impulse that they were right.
Name three other examples of people following emotional impulses today. What can a person trapped into following such impulses do to rise out of this delusion?
"Excuses satisfy those who make them."
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved