1998-12-12 10:32:00
An excellent feeling was expressed as follows by Samu:
"JJ, I would like to understand this part better. What is this concept of creating the beast anew based on, what human trait does it feed? Why do we feel uncomfortable not having an opponent trying to control us, a threat trying to overtake us? Is it because we are afraid to stop and face all that we really are, can overcome and become? Is it more like practice on our way to create our reality and trust what we do not giving authority outside of ourselves? Is it a false twisted image of how we prove we existed, if there is no pain there is no gain? Because we are used to friction and are not used to effortless existence? Why do we feed the negative outside of us when the stormy wave is eventually gonna hit our shores anyway?
"Why oh why oh why?
"Feeling like a big question mark."
One of the memorable quotes from the book ("The Immortal") is:
"There is nothing too good to be true."
The popular sentiment is the cliche "it's too good to be true." Now that may be a good thought to hold in mind when we are approached by a con man, but we as humans have a tendency to carry this thought over into all facets of our lives.
When we experience a period of financial success, we almost feel uncomfortable and often tend to do something to sabotage ourselves.
When our romantic relationships are peaceful, we often get the sense that an explosion or rift is just around the corner and sure enough it is. The thing is we often are the ones who do the thing to make the friction happen.
When we are healthy and have a sense of inner peace we often inject the thought "but will this last?," or "this is too good to be true."
Part of this is caused from many painful, past lives all of us have gone through. When we experience good times we have ancient subtle past memories of pain come back to haunt us like a looming thoughtform that keeps us from enjoying the present. We also have ancient guilt to overcome that make us feel subconsciously that we do not deserve good times and actually cause us to do subtle things to sabotage our lives.
This happens to us not only on an individual basis, but also on a national and world basis.
Right now we have a giant group thoughtform, partially caused by a misinterpretation of John's writings (The Book Of Revelations), that humanity as a whole must suffer through a great antichrist much worse than Hitler, and there will be devastation such as the world has never seen.
It is possible that we could sabotage ourselves into an end of the world scenario, but this is not necessary or in the plan of the Brotherhood of Light. We will have to pass through a certain amount of crisis on the way to the age of peace, but before we can get both feet in the waters of this great peace we must get over this doomsday feeling that so much of humanity carries around with them.
What can we do?
Start with ourselves.
When we understand the true meaning of the prophesies we can see that doomsday does not have to happen and humanity as a whole can BECOME what it decides to become. As enlightened people become the decision makers for the world we will turn the tide so the "sheep" will follow and then we can truly make a reality where there is nothing too good to be true, not only for ourselves, but for the world.
Then too, the Song will help drive away the negative forces of the past.
Turning back the negative patterns is like creating an atomic explosion for good. It starts at one point and multiplies geometrically until there is a critical mass. Then the true light of the most great peace can no longer be ignored.
Copyright © 1998 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved