2000-8-14 10:36:00
The Seed Thought:
"I am the dominating good in the hands of God."
A gold star goes to Susan for asking questions. Some were a little unusual, but they were questions nevertheless.
I must congratulate her on one question in particular which read:
"Is this an ego declaration and totally false?"
Here she used on of the principles of discovery which reads:
(14) Take that belief which is embraced by the world (or the obvious view) and look in the opposite direction. In this opposite direction much truth lies hidden.
One must always look in the opposite direction than seems obvious. If there is any flaw in the teaching much will be revealed.
Another thing the student can do to milk truth out of seed thoughts is to free associate and then link the items and see what truth come forth. Use whatever questions that are helpful in the process.
Let us start with the first word which is "I."
I - male/female - human being - part of the human race - one with the human race - on this planet - on many planets - throughout the universe.
Second word "am."
Am - AM - I AM - I AM BECOMING - AM - Life - presence - God presence - Omni presence.
Dominating - stronger of two forces - Dominating what? -... Good - that which evolves to higher ground - order - happiness - joy - Light - Love... Evil - that which takes us to retrogression - disorder - misery - darkness - hate - grievance.
Dominating Good - In higher order is strength; disorder is chaos and weakness in the long run.
Hands of God - that which works out the Plan of God.
Now continue to go through this process in your own mind and tells us some of the things you come up with when you think of:
"I am the dominating good in the hands of God."
"When somebody you greatly admire and respect appears to be thinking deep thoughts, he or she is probably thinking about lunch."
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved