2000-8-10 10:18:00
What is light anyway and how does it reveal?
Esoterically "light is that which reveals."
Light can exist in darkness and not reveal as in the statement of John about "the light which shineth in the darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not."
For a physical correspondence of this just look up at the night sky. If we eliminate the stars what are we looking at? We are looking at billions and billions of square miles of intense light from the sun, yet what do we see?
Why do we see blackness?
Because the light of the Sun is shining in the darkness and those in the darkness (us) do not comprehend (see) the light.
The interesting thing is that even though we do not see it, the light is still there passing as intense wavelengths through the vacuum of space.
So when the light shines in the darkness they who are in darkness do not see the light. So when is the light seen?
The light is comprehended when the Light shines ON the darkness.
When light falls on a form in darkness contrast is thus produced and the light is then comprehended.
What is the source of the greater light?
There are three lights within the range of the consciousness of man:
These three lights produce vision when shining ON darkness or the higher light shining on the lower light.
Our new friend Benjamin is not short on wisdom today concerning the Lights:
"It's like being in a room and looking toward a window that's shining brightly. One walks over to the window [the soul], opens it and sticks one's head outside to see the brilliant sun and the expanding horizons of the sky [the 'greater light']. It's as if the 'light of the soul' is the reflection of the 'greater light.' just as the sun reflected in polished bronze is a lesser light compared to the sun it reflects."
As the moon reflects the light of the sun it becomes visible and comes into view of the seer.
Correspondingly, when we allow our soul to reflect the light of the Spirit toward our inner eyes then we see truth.
When we become one with the soul then our attention is shifted toward the greater light of the monad and when this shift is made the soul becomes as darkness and higher vision is obtained when the greater light shines ON the light of the soul.
Light can become darkness and that which was darkness can become light and the interplay of the two produces vision.
The true Seer can by a shifting of his attention have the power to see in the higher as well as the lower worlds.
Most of us are stuck with seeing only in this world, but soul contact is the key that opens the door to all higher vision.
The lowest correspondent of the two higher lights is night and day as commonly understood. This throws light of the phrase" "the dark night of the soul."
To one who has his attention centered on physical light the light of the soul is as night and does not reveal. But later the soul reveals its great light as the downward focused eyes are lifted. Then later as the greater light is seen the soul has a second dark night, but this time the dark is a contrast that reveals joy.
Now let us move to another seed thought. In doing this I realize that some teachers recommend spending a month on one thought, but for teaching purposes we must move onward. You may find though that as you think on the past thought now and again you may, at an unexpected moment, receive a new flash of inspiration.
New Seed Thought:
"I am the light of the world."
What comes to you as you think on this my friends?
"Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it."
-- Unknown Author
Copyright © 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved