Gathering 2005, Sun Valley, Part 12
Predictions Continued
This is the second part of Sharón’s reading. Someone asked if this was done in full consciousness and the answer was yes. Sharón is one of the few who can channel, yet maintain awareness.
Sharón’s Reading (Continued)
Audience: “What about aliens?”
Sharón: “What about aliens? There are aliens even here in this room. You all came from somewhere.”
Audience: “Aliens from other planets, will they visit us and help us out?”
Sharón: “They have been visiting this earth, they have been helping out and they’re not going to rescue. They will only help those who are helping themselves. How you help yourself is by helping others and being of service. There is not going to be a mass evacuation because many people are looking for somebody else to rescue them and when this comes then this will happen. Well, this isn’t going to come until this now happens. You see? They are not here to rescue and to save. They are here to help once you ones have saved yourselves. Isn’t that a different point of view from what you’ve been taught?”
Audience: (Inaudible.)
Sharón: “They are already obvious to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. They are already here.”
Audience: “What about Jesus? Will he return or is he a child at this point or?”
Sharón: “Jesus or the one that Christ will overshadow? Because they are not one in the same. So what does your question really want to know?”
Audience: (Inaudible.)
Sharón: “Jesus is not going to come forward with the Christ Oversoul to play that role again. Jesus has a different role. He is that which is Sanada which is called Jesus. Alright? He will come back. He is already on the Earth. He is already on the Earth and he will make himself known depending on where mankind is at a certain place in time. He plans at this point, if everything proceeds as scheduled, he will make himself known about 2015. If things go on schedule for his soul. That is not the same as Christ as Oversoul.”
JJ: What about the Christ Himself?
Sharón: “We’ll get to that.”
Audience: (Inaudible.)
Sharón: “The Jeshua one as we call him will not.”
Audience: “Jeshua will not but Christ will?”
Sharón: “Jesus. His name was not Jesus. It’s Jeshua. The Jeshua one will have more influence for where he is coming in Europe. He is planning to have his influence in Europe. The one who is Christ will have the Christ Oversoul and by the way, the one who will be public with it is planning on making himself known around 2035 if everything goes as scheduled. It could come early or it could come late. We always say you ones are in charge of time. We see a series of events and you ones decide how fast or how slow you go through them.”
Audience: “And will he have an influence on our government?”
Sharón: “There is already much influence on the Presidency. There is already influence where it needs to be and there are three light beings in your government right now who carry incredible light who have soul contact. So if you wish to be helping your government, whether you agree with the outcome or not, if you will say, “May they see the light clearly” because there are so many negative thoughts in their directions that it makes it very hard at times. You see? So that is a prayer that can be of assistance to them. It looks at this point in time that the seeds are already there. The world, in order to have peace, must be peaceful everywhere because it is just as a family where one member gets disruptive, it disrupts everyone else.”
Audience: “What is going to happen with the Yellowstone area?”
Sharón: “Yellowstone, let us take a look. Ahh, you ones are having a big explosion, yes. Yes. As we are looking at that, that is coming. It’s just a matter of time. It’s a matter of when, not if.”
JJ: Some scientists say that it could evaporate us clear to Boise.
Sharón: “It’s going to be little first.”
Audience: “Do you see Idaho being like an island?”
Sharón: “Um, Idaho will not look like an island as we are looking because, unless an island is very big — it’s still going to be attached to Canada.”
JJ: How far down the road until you see a problem with Yellowstone?
Sharón: “That one is a question of if not when. We haven’t been given a time on that one yet because there is much ones on this side working on that to keep that tempered because we do not need that one going off the same time as the tsunamis are already in force, that will happen.”
Audience: (Inaudible.)
Sharón: “Within the next four years.”
JJ: “One third will be leaving?”
Sharón: “One third. They’ve already started. And you’ll have many. A big bulk of that one third is going to go within the next four years. Just as that last tsunami took a great number. Yes? This one in New Orleans will take more and there will be other instance and it will take more then just watch among your friends and your family how many more are leaving.”
JJ: How about China? Will they experience loss of life there?
Sharón: “Now we’re looking at China. One moment. This is very interesting because some of China is very safe and very good and other parts. China is very big as we are looking! So, some will be in effect and some will make it and some not. A great portion of China will be all right.”
JJ: Is China going to be a danger for us?
Sharón: “Now we’re looking at China. One moment. This is very interesting because some of China is very safe and very good and other parts. China is very big as we are looking! So, some will be in effect and some will make it and some not. A great portion of China will be all right.
“They would like to be. By the year 2012 they will be able to overtake the United States in manpower and in productivity and if there was a war they would win. Interesting yes?”
JJ: Are they going to get aggressive?
Sharón: “Not if we get our way on this side. We have many there that are working for the light. It is not easy in China working for the light. Yes, you ones think sometimes you have it hard here. Cushy jobs here!”
JJ: So China is hard to predict?
Sharón: “There is much going on in China at this time. There are two equally strengthening opposing forces. Those that talk out of this side of their mouth say they would like peace but out of this side of their mouth they are planning for war. Then there is the common person who would very much like peace. So it will be each one’s war within himself. That is the true Armageddon, is it not? In China you will have many who will initially say they will go to war who it will not take them long when the mothers and the wives say, “If you go to war we will not be here when you return.” And there will be many who will say they are not going.”
JJ: How about Taiwan? Will they invade Taiwan?
Sharón: “They’ve already started. They are invading first with propaganda. They are invading first with placement of key people that they own in their government. They have already started.”
JJ: Will they be successful?
Sharón: “It looks at this time, unfortunately, that the answer is yes. The only thing that is holding them back is the United States. Once the United States stops supporting Taiwan, they are gone.”
Audience: “I have one quick question. Everything you are describing has an air of acceleration so, on a dualistic, more positive note, what do you see in the acceleration of our understanding of human health? [inaudible] and things like that?”
Sharón: “That is going to come very fast and very rapid. It starts with different medical intuitives. It starts with know that, with this age now, when the future looks back at this age they will say, ‘They were in the dark ages. How could they have done radiation on cancer? How could they do this to the body?’ You see? There will be much of this. There is already much upbringing. The physicians of your day were given a task to do and when the government of the physicians, their medical boards, yes? got together, unfortunately they failed to rise to the occasion because they saw it is an opportunity to bring in a different kind of power than is initially put there before them. So, therefore chiropractics came up and chiropractors are now given that task of leading from the medical field into the next generation. And it will not be all that long dear ones where your people have arisen to the occasion and they, ‘Many of us will only go to the Dr if we break a bone because they are very good at setting broken bones.’ But even if it’s something else, we will go to the intuitives. They can see why this was caused and what the lesson is and what we are carrying energetically in the physical, emotional and mental bodies.
“The spiritual bodies will be able to see this. There will be centers rising. Some are already in the planning stages. A few are already existing. We see that in the next 25 years the way is in the centers where you have all the different practitioners and you have the most gifted as the receptionists, even though they are in hiding because they must be able to see what is going on in you and talk with you to know where to direct you out of their group so that you get the best healing. Your medical things are going to be incredible coming forward.
“The other positive news, as we have given many on earth changes that people think are very negative, we look on this as very positive in actuality because it will clean up the vibration of that which is being carried and being held so that the earth may move forward and the people on it.
“Positive things are there are already molecules of twelves being formed. Not only do you ones have molecules of threes that are going into pods, as we call them, they will then become molecules of twelve. There are many that are finding their other molecules of up to twelve. These are in the process all around. There will be great leadership in this spiritual way. The ones that are coming forward that you ones will hear about will be very intuitive to know when they are safe and when they are not.
“There will be a great divide between this way of thinking and that one which you ones call the ‘born-again Christians’. This has already started. The Christians have already started giving out pamphlets in areas against the Mormons just as what happened against the Jews in the Europe time. They’re not thinking that many of you ones are aware that this has already started.
“That these pamphlets are already going out calling the Mormons not true Christians. So the wars have already begun in this field and it will be where anything that is of totalitarianism where anyone wishes to take away your power to not help you to decide for self or gives you information which makes it easier for you to make a clear choice then everyone will have their church within themselves is the way the world is going. And by 2050 this will be the way. Isn’t that wonderful?”
JJ: What are the pods?
Sharón: “The pods, as we call them, are when groups of three and groups of twelve get together. We call them pods. You call them Molecular Relationships. We call them pods.”
JJ: Why do you call them pods? I’ve heard that term before.
Sharón: “It’s because of the energy of the pod. In the time of Joseph Smith he attempted to get the Molecular Relationship across and it came across as multiple whatevers. That has been a problem ever since. You see? So not to make any confusion because Molecular Relationships are the same thing as a pod but it carries a slightly different vibrational energy.
So a pod is just like a Molecular Relationship. Everyone is interdependent. No one is codependent but they start thinking almost as one mind because they have so much love and care for one another that they work as a unit. You’ll find these units growing into twelves where there will be twelve in this pod and twelve in this pod. We call them pods also because others will come and intercede and it will look sometimes like twenty or fifty but then this twelve will come back to regain and refocus and re-energize one another. But the pods will be intermingling.”
JJ: Are any of your group from the future?
Sharón: “Yes and no. Let us explain. First of all, all time is happening now and our group is from the past and from the future because we are the same. There is a group of ones, a group of spirits who agreed to come from the very beginning of time of the earth when it was seeded with what is called lifeforms that evolved into human forms. We are coming from that time and there have been promises made to stay with this development of humankind all the way until humankind does not require the support. So when you say are we from the future, we are also from the past because they are the same. There is a reason ones truly lived a thousand years at one time and went by many different names like Enoch, is the same as Thoth, has had many different names throughout time.”
Audience: “Are you familiar with Maitreya?”
Sharón: “Yes. There is one on the earth plane that says that he channels Maitreya. This is not truth. As we are looking at Maitreya this is one that is very much identified with the Christ consciousness however Maitreya is not being channeled as such on the plane at this time. So anyone who claims that they are doing so, we know, that they are not registering the truth.”
Audience: “Can you tell us who are the three enlightened souls in Washington?”
Sharón: “Yes, we can! But we give you the clues and we don’t want you to take our word for them. Yes? Two are male, one is female. Two are of color, one is not. Alright? All claim to be Republicans, one is not. (laughter) Alright? You may find them.”
JJ: Two more questions then that’s it. Artie?
Artie: “Tell us about the Gathering of Lights.”
Sharón: “This one in particular or the gathering of lights that is happening around the world?”
Artie: This one in particular?
Sharón: “Alright, let us take a look.”
JJ: Do you mean this gathering right here in Sun Valley? Or the gathering that will be the result of this one? (Artie finishes JJ’s question.)
Sharón: “Yes. Alright. We are looking at the ones in this room yes? The reason many of you are here is to get information. It’s also to gain the strength to go forward in the knowingness so you know to rise to your highest that you are receiving because these in this room have signed contracts, what you ones have in common is to disallow doubt because when you have doubt you are not pausing on your path, you’re going backwards. It is to find others also to help you go forward so that when you come to the place of doubt or questioning, that you can question in pause but not doubt and go backwards.
“So the result of this gathering of lights is more networking and more assuredness in these ones going forward, that they know truth, that they can recognize truth, that they have heard truth, that they can use this and incorporate it in their lives to help them with discernment. The greatest gift you can give someone today is to help them in their discernment because this is very cloudy and the dark side is very clever. The light is more clever but still, the dark side very clever.”
JJ: One more question.
Audience: “It seems if we could reduce our dependence on oil as an energy source that would solve a lot of the strife in the world and . . . (audience comments inaudible).”
Sharón: “Yes. Just as if you ones truly believe that the color of the skin did not make a difference, it would then be the color of the hair or the color of the eyes or something else. You have to have something. Because, remember, when you have conflict it causes people to be uncomfortable and only when people are uncomfortable do they grow.
So we say, “Where are your comfort zones?” Where you are comfortable have you stopped growing so drive a different way home. Go to a place where you don’t know anyone. Eat with your other hand. Notice we didn’t say your wrong hand. You see? Put yourself in situations so you can not get too comfortable or that you become comfortable regardless of what is occurring. You see?”
JJ: That’s a good point.
Sharón: “Then you will keep growing.”
JJ: Like when the Berlin Wall fell a lot of people went, “Well, we aren’t going to have any more worries. Let’s cut down on the military.” Peace on Earth, goodwill to men yet we still have problems, right?
Sharón: “Absolutely. There will always be some conflict. Until you ones consciously make a choice that you don’t need conflict to grow you will have conflict to grow. When you each individually make a choice that I can grow with ease and I can grow with joy and I can grow with glory, then you can have such as you live that peace and continue to seek and continue to grow.
So, we ask you anytime you get too comfortable and too settled, please do something in your world to upset the apple cart to force you to grow. And it doesn’t matter in which way you are growing and where the apple cart was upset because it will affect by the domino affect, everything else in your world. That is a gift you can give yourself and that one is easy. Yes?
“Dear ones, there is much, much love for each of you. You must realize that your own guidance teams push to get you to groups where you can be with ones of like mind. They push to have you with ones where you can have your minds excited and your hearts filled with joy. They push out of love and yet this is an energy time in your world that when you push on the Earth, there comes a great backlash. So, as much as your guidance team is pushing you they ask not to take the energy of push but of pull, that they will supply you with all the push energy you need so that you may concentrate on the pull energy, so that you pull things to you, you pull people to you, you pull situations to you, that you are pulling and not pushing because then you are working with spirit and guidance instead of against. There is much much love for each and every one of you. Know that you are never alone. Even in the shower. (laughter)”
JJ: This reading wasn’t on the agenda but that was interesting, Sharón, thanks.
Sharón: “You’re welcome.”
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead (1901 – 1978)
Sept 30, 2009
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