The Ten Deceptions, Part X


The Ten Deceptions, Part X

The Illusion of Conservation

Deception Ten: Energy conservation is the key to our energy problems. If we conserve we will not need to build new nuclear plants, or perhaps not develop any other power source except for wind, solar and other alternatives.

We have already covered standard alternative energy sources and when we did we learned why only 2.4% of American electrical power comes from them (in 2001). They are expensive with great limitations and even with government support and subsidies they cannot compete with petroleum sources or nuclear power. In Europe Denmark relies heaviest upon wind power and has the most expensive energy, especially if you count government subsidies. On the other hand, France has some of the lowest rates and has extra to export thanks to a 77% reliance on nuclear energy.

Now it is entirely possible that some new alternative source or innovations may come along, but this is not something we should risk our economic lives on. We must proceed with that which works in the real world and make adaptations when new discoveries or innovations are made.

Time and time again I have heard environmentalists and activists offer as the single solution to merely conserve power and sometimes add as a caveat that we should develop wind or solar power. They always seem to speak as if the demand or need for power will not increase and we must only concern ourselves with current statistics. They seem to think that if we merely conserve then the demand for power will not merely come to a halt, but actually decrease.

Unfortunately, this is wishful thinking of pathetic proportions. The world demand for power has outstripped the increase of population for over 100 years and shows no signs of change. What miracle is there that the activists expect to pull out of their hat to suddenly diminish the demand?

California, the most assiduously conservation-minded state in the union made Herculean attempts during the past decade to conserve as well as encourage alternative power. For instance, the state government has been paying 50% of the cost of solar power installation.

They seemed to be lulled into a false sense of security and for over a decade they have built no new petroleum based (and of course they will not touch nuclear) power plants. Apparently, they had this false idea that they could make do with the current sources of energy and a small amount of alternative if they just conserve.

What was the result?

The result was that despite all their efforts the demand for power continued to rise unabated. The people of the state were shielded from their problems thinking that all was going well even though no new power plants were being built. What many did not realize is that the state imported more and more power from outside of its borders and as the prices rose and power available became scarce, the clean state of California demanded power from Texas, New Mexico, Mexico and other areas. Thus the dirty outdated power plants had to be fired up to full capacity to the extent that the pollution that was thought to be saved by not building new plants was spewed into the air with such vengeance that it would give the California environmentalists heart attacks if they knew the truth.

Environmental fines that California had to pay indirectly were so high that that it gave the false appearance that the out of state power sources were gouging the golden state. In truth much of what Governor Davis complained of as greed by the power companies were surcharges to pay the extra costs for government fines on the dirty power demanded by the state.

Ironically the warm winter that followed created a surplus of energy forcing California to sell off electricity it could not use for 21 cents on the dollar. It is estimated that this lack of self sufficiency could cost the golden state $3.9 billion over the next few years.

Unfortunately, the United States (as well as numerous other countries) face the same peril as California, but on a larger scale. Just as California attempted to remain environmentally clean by buying out of state (to hell with the environment of other states) the United States has followed suit and has approved no new nuclear power plants since 1974 and have not developed domestic oil. Instead we say “to hell with the environment of foreign nations and oil spills on the ocean in transport.” Since 1973 (the time of the famous oil embargo where we vowed to reduce dependence on foreign oil) oil imports for the U.S. has risen about 66%. (Note: Fortunately this trend was reversed and the United States is now fairly self sufficient with oil)

80% of the world’s proven oil reserves are in the OPEC nations which will only tempt us to rely more heavily on foreign oil far into the future unless we have a change of direction.

The demand for oil is expected to increase at a rate of 1.4% per year over the next twenty years…


World production is expected to peak within 10-20 years. When this peak is hit then increases in demand for oil will become impossible to meet. When this happens, if a strong alternative is not prepared, then economic chaos will be the result.

To prevent this chaos we must begin building new nuclear power plants as soon as possible and using the energy therefrom to create fuel for hydrogen powered engines or supply power for electrical vehicles, depending on where the technology shows the greater promise.

Let’s get real and face the truth here. Teaching conservation will help some, but even if the most optimistic results are obtained energy demand will only increase.


The answer is simple.

First the world population is growing as never before. World population is expected in increase an additional three billion people over the next 53 years. In addition to this as we increase as a nation and world in technology we only seem to find additional methods of using energy. Even if we had no increase in population the developing nations will experience dramatic increases in the need for energy as the populace demand cars, refrigerators and computers as the neighboring nations have.

The ironclad fact we must face is this. The one sure solution that we have to solve our unlimited need for energy without further polluting the planet is already here, already developed just waiting for us to use for the salvation of humanity – nuclear energy.

Right now the opportunity is in the new generation of clean breeder reactors with little or no waste and within 50 years we should have fusion reactors that can supply unlimited clean energy that should pose no threat to anyone.

Let us go forward into an abundant future where all people can have an opportunity to fulfill their dreams through unlimited power.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Nov 23, 2001

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The Ten Deceptions, Part IX


The Cost of Obstruction

Deception Nine Nuclear activists are saving lives and insuring a healthier state of living.

This is perhaps the greatest deception of them all. Because of the success of the activists we have not had a nuclear power plant approved since 1974. Before the activists rose to power there was reason to assume that nuclear power would be our prime source of power by the turn of the century.

As it is because of their interference, protests and lawsuits the U.S. only gets a around 23% of its electricity from nuclear power rather than 50% or more that was projected.

What have the activists accomplished by creating this standstill in technology? How would things be different if activists never existed and we were currently getting over half of our power from nuclear?

The first question to ask is what energy source would have been replaced?

It is unlikely it would have replaced much hydro because it is such a clean source and the concern over pollution has only increased over the years.

Natural gas is also a relatively clean source and we would have been reluctant to drop that.

Alternatives such as wind, solar, geothermal etc would have been little affected and would still be supplying just over 2% of our electricity.

But there is one biggie which is the main polluter that clean nuclear power would have replaced…

What is that?


Coal-fired plants currently supply over 51% of U.S. power and create much more pollution than any other power source. Consequently, this is the main power source which would have been replaced by nuclear. If the activists did not exist then we would have at least 50% less coal burning than is now the case.

That would mean that instead of burning 1,000,000,000 tons of coal a year we would only be burning 500,000,000 tons. This means that we would have about 10 million fewer tons of sulfur dioxide emitted into the atmosphere and over three million fewer tons of oxides of nitrogen, both dreaded pollutants. We would also have 1,000 tons of mercury, lead, arsenic and other poisonous metals that do not find their way into the air, land and sea. This would mean that mercury poisoning of our fish would not be such a concern.

It would also mean that we would have less nuclear waste because coal produces more radioactive waste than do nuclear power plants due to the uranium in coal dust. 10,000 tons of uranium would not be exposed to the surface area each year.

Billions of tons of carbon dioxide would not be released into the atmosphere which would calm fears of global warming.

Thousands of coal miners would not be suffering from black lung disease and other health problems.

Pollution from coal burning plants increases the number of deaths due to emphysema, bronchitis, lung cancer, heart disease and other problems.

There would most likely be over 500,000 fewer deaths due to pollution if the production of nuclear power plants had progressed on schedule. This does not take into consideration the millions of people who have additional health problems due to breathing impure air.

Partially because of activism the nuclear industry spends more money to save a life than any other industry by far. Here is what Bernard Cohen wrote about it in 1982:

“…the Nuclear Regulatory Commission also requires an $8 million expenditure per life saved in controlling normal emission of radioactivity from nuclear power plants. But NRC furthermore, has special rules for special substances; regulations on emissions of radioactive iodine correspond to spending $100 million per life saved.”

I can’t find current figures on this, but must assume with inflation and other added costs that the figure is over twice as much today.

Even so using these old figures Dr. Cohen points out that this expenditure is extremely excessive and could save many more lives in other directions.

For instance it costs $90,000 to save as life by spending the money on pap smears.

Highway safety takes about $140,000 to save a life plus 40 times as many injuries.

If we spent the money on smoke alarms it would cost only $60,000 to save a life.

Treating high blood pressure takes about $75,000 investment to save a life.

Investing in Mobile medical care units would only require as little as $12,000 to save a life.

These figures are from his book written in 1982 and would be much higher across the board today.

But there are many ways to save or extend life with less money than these figures even in today’s money.

Buying a good multi vitamin and giving them to the poor would add several years to many lives with a small investment.

Then for as little as $100 some service organizations can save the life of a child from starvation in the Third World..

Thus we see the ridiculousness of spending $100 million or more to save a life from death by nuclear energy when hundreds of times more lives can be saved by other methods.

We could reverse this logic and ask this question:

How many deaths have been caused by directing money to saving lives from nuclear radiation at the expense of saving lives by other means?

The answer – thousands of possible deaths have been caused because of this. The exact number no one will know.

In addition to wasteful spending on these standard costs of nuclear operation, as we mentioned before, activism has caused the cost of the construction of a power plant to increase over ten times. The additional costs for just five power plants was $21.6 billion. Heaven only knows the total cost they have ran up in all power plants in the construction alone – over $50, billion would be conservative.

What good did it do to waste that $50 billion???

Did it make the air cleaner? No

Did it make us safer? No.

Did it save lives? No. It cost many lives.

Did it help the economy? No. It hurt the economy and caused financial hardship for many common people.

Was there any good that came out of the wasted $50 billion? I can’t think of any.

There is one more way that nuclear energy can save lives. That is studies have shown that nations with a higher standard of living produce a longer life span for their inhabitants. When a poor nation increases its standard of living the life expectancy goes up. Dr. Cohen notes: “that Japanese have ten years more life expectancy than other East Asians, and blacks in the United States have more than 20 years longer life expectancy than African blacks.”

It is also a fact that the middle and upper class live longer than the poor.

This low standard of living with high death rate is where the activists are leading us, but imagine what life would be like if we had the 100-200 extra nuclear power plants approved since 1974 without excessive restrictions and lawsuits.

The power cost of the nation would be much lower, the reason to go to war over oil much less and the advancement toward electrical cars very probable. What is sure is that many lives would saved and untold thousands would have improved quality of life. The standard of living would be higher and everyone would be living longer healthier lives.

“On the physical plane, the great scientific discovery, called colloquially the “splitting of the atom,” will be turned eventually to the production of those conditions which will enable mankind to follow the good, the beautiful and the true. This men will then be able to do, freed from the dread presence of purely materialistic thinking. This is no idle vision or vague dream. Many scientists today (and particularly those who love their fellowmen) [Page 648] are not only visioning the non-destructive aspect of atomic energy but are already engaged in harnessing-for the good of humanity-some of its products and its radioactive properties.

“Curiously enough, it is the wise, controlled use of the results of this scientific adventure in connection with the atomic bomb which will eventually bring about a specific revelation of the nature of certain forces in relation to light; this event will transform world thinking and lead to a new type of transmutative process, as far as man is concerned.” Djwhal Khul – Rays and Initiations, Pages 647-648

Copyright by J J Dewey

Nov 12, 2001

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The Ten Deceptions, Part VIII

The Ten Deceptions, Part VIII

Mining and Tailings

Nuclear Tailings Another illusion presented by the activists around the idea that no level of increase of radiation should be tolerated is the idea that the disturbed earth through uranium mining causes an increase in radioactivity.

When they talk of nuclear waste they will often lump in the what is called nuclear “tailings” which is the left over ore after the rich uranium has been extracted and brought to the surface. The mining companies have had to deal with over 400 million tons of these tailings in the United States and Canada. These tailings contain uranium 238 which disintegrates into thorium 230 and radon gas, both of which have some radioactivity.

If you read the activists web pages you would think that a person would have to be insane to be a uranium miner. They make it sound like minorities are forced to work there by the point of a sword and nervously go to work every day out of desperation to feed their families.

In reality most uranium miners are happy with their work and make as much as some doctors and lawyers.

The statistics the activists cite are from a past era when the nuclear industry was young, none of them I have seen are less than 20 years old. It is true that uranium mining as well, as coal, silver, gold diamonds etc posed a greater heath threats in years past than they do today. The miners in both coal and uranium mines breathed too much dust and had some ill health effects from it. Asbestos miners were particularly affected.

But since the 1980’s there have been great improvements in filtration so uranium miners work today in a much healthier atmosphere than in past decades.

Mining of any kind is a fairly high risk business and one of the highest sources of risk comes from accidents rather than radiation. That is one reason the pay is good.

If the activists were really concerned about the uranium miners and the effects of the tailings then you would think they would support the building of breeder reactors which could operate another thousand years with no additional mining necessary.

So what about these tailings? Are they really a threat to humanity?

Bernard Cohen, a real nuclear scientist, tells us this. The statistical deaths from exposure to the radon from the tailings of one large nuclear power plant would cause .003 deaths per year. That would mean we would have to mine for 333 years to cause one death from these dreaded tailings.

BUT – This statistic is based on just leaving the tailings exposed on the ground. Most mines cover these tailings with a layer of earth which also covers up this low level radioactivity. This reduces the death rate to the point it would take over 66,000 years to cause one death by radiation for the supplying of one plant, or about 166 years for all the mining on the planet.

Again, here we’re talking about danger much less than the risk of getting struck by lightening, or getting eaten by a tiger that escapes from the zoo. We have enough real concerns to worry about without drumming up haunting apparitions about the nuclear industry.

The interesting thing is that coal also has uranium in it and that the waste from coal is not buried in the earth as are uranium tailings. Consequently the radiation given off from coal mining is much greater than that which the public fears so much from uranium mines. The health risk in current coal mines is also greater than from uranium mines.

What may be startling to some is that the health risk due to radon in energy efficient homes may be 35 times as great as exposure to a waste area of a uranium mine.

Why is this? Radon gas circulates to some extent in every home. It comes from the earth below, bricks, stones and insulation in our homes. If you live in a very energy efficient home that traps in the heat, you will also be trapping in the radon gas producing a much greater danger for yourself than the uranium waste from a mine.

It is quite ironical that conservation is more dangerous than exposure to nuclear mining waste.

It is also interesting that switching from a large to an smaller gas efficient car greatly increases the risk of death from a car accident. In fact Cohen says it is 2000 times more dangerous than getting 100% of our electricity from a nuclear power plant.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Nov 10, 2001

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Safe Levels of Radiation

Safe Levels of Radiation

In continuing this line of thought about whether or not any increase in radiation is safe I will quote from articles by Dr. Aaron Oakley, a popular writer on nuclear energy, who gives permission to reproduce his articles.

Exploding Nuclear Myths Part 1 – “No safe level of radiation”

By *Dr Aaron Oakley New Australian No. 136, 4 -10 October 1999

An important characteristic of activists is that they are prepared to use any argument – true, half-true or false – to support their ideological agenda. Hence truth plays second fiddle to expediency. This article examines a canard popular with anti-nuclear activists – that there is no level of radiation which is safe. This myth will be exposed along with certain activists who have repeated it. since 1959, the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has dictated that regulations be based on the assumption that the effects of low doses of radiation may be derived by linear extrapolation from the effects of high doses (this is called the linear hypothesis). For example, 10,000 mSv of radiation (a very high dose!) would be expected to kill those exposed within hours, and by assuming a linear relationship, we would expect that a dose of 1 mSv would kill 1 in 10,000 people. The fact that we are not dropping like flies (background radiation averages about 2.4 mSv/year globally) immediately brings the hypothesis into question.

Since high doses of radiation have a deleterious effect on health, authorities have assumed that there is no safe dose, and regulations required the minimisation of all radiation exposure. This policy position does not reflect the scientific knowledge of the biological effects of low-dose radiation. As radiation science has advanced, it became apparent that the situation of health and radiation was not so clear-cut. Furthermore, the evidence that low dose radiation may be beneficial for health has been accumulating for over half a century. This effect is called hormesis. Even in the early days of the Manhattan project, there was evidence to suggest that certain doses of radiation could be beneficial to health: Experiments conducted in 1943 involved the exposure by inhalation of animals to uranium dust in the expectation that it would be deadly. Surprisingly, the exposed animals appeared healthier, lived longer, and produced more offspring than their non-exposed counterparts. These results were confirmed by subsequent research.

The graph on the right shows the effects expected from the two main models of the effect of radiation exposure. The linear hypothesis predicts negative effects of radiation at high and low doses, with toxic effects increasing with increased dose. With hormesis, beneficial effects are expected at low dose, but with toxic effects at higher dose. Since the Manhattan project, numerous research papers have produced convincing evidence for radiation hormesis. In 1994 the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) published a report on the stimulating and adaptive effects of low-dose radiation. It reported that in mammals, radiation hormesis manifests itself as enhanced defence reactions against infectious disease, increased longevity and improved fertility. Yet despite the growing evidence for hormesis, the ICRP continued to lower the limits for acceptable radiation exposure.

We should also consider the effects of living with radiation: Different regions of the world have different levels of background radiation. The global average background radiation level is 2.4 mSv/year, but can be as high as 240 mSv/year. Epidemiological studies involving large cohorts show that higher levels of background radiation provide further evidence for radiation hormesis. The graph shows the effects expected from the two main models of the effect of radiation exposure. The linear hypothesis predicts negative effects of radiation at high and low doses, with toxic effects increasing with increased dose. With hormesis, beneficial effects are expected at low dose, but with toxic effects at higher dose.

Between 1970 and 1986, people living in Yangjiang county in china (background radiation 5.5 mSv/year) were compared with people living in two adjacent low-background counties, Enping and Taishan (background radiation 2.1 mSv/year). (The cohorts were large: 74,000 people from Yangjiang and 77,000 from Enping and Taishan.) The data show that in an age group of 10 to 79 years, the general cancer mortality was 14.6 per cent less in Yangjiang compared with Enping and Taishan. Furthermore, the leukemia mortality was 16 per cent lower in men and 60 per cent lower in women from Yangjiang.

Results similar to the Yangjiang study have been obtained in France, Japan and elsewhere. Yet radiation regulatory authorities continue to assume that no level of radiation is safe…as have anti-nuclear activists. As we have seen, there is much evidence to show that low-does radiation is not only not harmful but may be beneficial. But still the myth that there is no safe dose of radiation is trotted out mindlessly. The myth has been repeated by the Australian Konservation Foundation, as previously documented. This non-fact has also been repeated by green politicians such as Western Australian MP Giz Watson. A further example is Gavin Mudd, who in the September issue of Australasian Science claimed that “New scientific evidence suggests that exposure to low levels of ionising nuclear radiation increases cancer risk”. It is a pity that no reference was given to support that claim, given the large body of contradictory evidence. Mudd also claimed that increases in background radiation have been linked to increases in cancer rates in areas such as Chernobyl in the Ukraine, Sellafield in the UK and Three Mile Island in the USA. Let us examine the facts.

In the case of Chernobyl, 31 people were killed in the immediate aftermath (29 were fire-fighters). Most of the deaths were due to burns, but a few were (not surprisingly) due to extreme radiation doses. Workers and others exposed to high radiation doses of radiation have also died since. A conference of experts sponsored by the World Health Organisation after the accident speculated that some 1,600 additional deaths by cancer induced by increases in background radiation might occur in Europe over the three decades following the accident (higher figures have also been bandied about). However, in making these estimates, the conference used the already suspect linear hypothesis. Even if we consider this estimate to be accurate, it is important to put it in perspective by noting that the expected cancer deaths (from other causes) in the population now alive in Europe is 120 million over that time-frame.

In what is probably the largest and most systematic study of the health effects of Chernobyl accident, the International Atomic Energy Agency, studying people living beyond the 18 mile “prohibition zone” around the accident site found “no health disorders that could be attributed directly to radiation exposure”. Earlier speculations of increased numbers of leukaemia and other cancers did not eventuate. They further concluded that “any increases over the natural rate incidence of cancer or hereditary effects would be difficult to discern, even with larger and well designed long-term epidemiological studies”. The agency did acknowledge the possibility of a statistically detectable increase in the number of thyroid cancers. (This is because the thyroid gland concentrates a radioisotope of iodine released in the accident). There have been about 800 cases of thyroid cancer in children, most of which were curable, though about ten have been fatal. It is note worth that the risk of thyroid cancer could have been avoided if simple prophylactic measures such as the distribution of potassium iodide tablets had been taken.

In the case of the British Nuclear Fuels plant in Sellafield UK, it is indeed mischievous to claim that increases in background radiation have lead to an increase in cancer rates. Studies of all 14,282 workers in the plant revealed that cancer rates were 4 per cent less than that of England and Wales, and was the same as that of the district of Cumbria where the plant is located. Many scare stories about Sellafield derive from epidemiological data suggesting that there was an increased risk of childhood leukaemia in the children of the Sellafield workforce. However, follow-up investigation revealed that this risk is inconsistent with other epidemiological data and experimental data. Thus, it is unlikely that the association observed in the children of the Sellafield workforce represents a causal relationship and that other factors may be to blame.

With regard to the Three Mile Island (TMI) accident, the death-toll currently stands at zero and is not expected to rise dramatically any time soon. There is no evidence of an increase in cancer rates in areas affected by the accident. To put things in perspective, health physicists have calculated that the number of premature deaths due to cancer within a 50-mile radius of the TMI plant to be about one. And this estimate is based on the questionable linear hypothesis! This is in comparison to the approximately 30,000 premature deaths to be expected in the same area over the same time-frame due to non-radiation induced cancer. Indeed, many of the journalists who flew to TMI after the accident would have received a higher dose of radiation – due to their flight – than the TMI residents received from the accident!

When we look at the facts about radiation, Chernobyl, Sellafield, and Three Mile Island it allows us to put the scaremongering of anti-nuclear propagandists in perspective. It is a great pity that journalists and those in the nuclear industry never bother to do this. Truth is usually the first casualty in an ideological war.

If any readers have observed other activists repeating the “no safe radiation” shibboleth, let me know and I will update this article to include them.

(c)1999 By Oakley Environmental Research. The right to reproduce this page is granted providing that attribution to the author is given and that this notice is reproduced.

Below is a second article where Dr. Oakley takes on SEA-US (Sustainable Energy & Anti-Uranium Service Inc.), an Australian Anti nuclear organization which uses many of the same arguments as the American ones.

Statements in quotation marks are from SEA-US which Dr. Oakley deftly counters. He accurately defends the point in discussion that increases in radiation are not harmful.

More Lies From SEA-US: Radiation Rancour

New Australian No. 141, 8-14 November 1999 By *Dr Aaron Oakley

In order to advance their anti-nuclear jihad, the folks at SEA-US need to do everything they can to demonise nuclear energy and radiation. An important argument in their anti-nuclear arsenal is that there is “no safe level of radiation”. Like most articles of faith of the anti-nuclear mob, this argument disintegrates under scrutiny. This piece critically examines the SEA-US item “Ionising Radiation and Health Effects: THERE IS NO SAFE DOSE”. (I postulate that SEA-US thinks that the use of capital letters makes their argument more convincing)

To give the illusion that the writer of the article is an authority on the subject, there is a long-winded account of the types and properties of ionising radiation. We are told about alpha, beta and gamma rays, and their different abilities to penetrate matter. We are given a little history of radiation science, and a one-eyed view of scientists perception of the dangers posed by radiation over recent history:

“At least since the 1930s ionising radiation has been known to damage human health, even at extremely low exposures.”

For some strange reason, SEA-US did not care to inform readers about experiments conducted in the early days of the Manhattan project, showing that animals exposed to radioactive uranium dust lived longer, were healthier and produced more offspring. They even claim that non-ionising electromagnetic radiation can damage health, making me think that they have succumbed to the cell-phone paranoia we have been experiencing lately.

Another SEA-US web page claims:

“In the 1920s, women who painted watch dials with radium to make them luminous, suffered a high incidence of bone cancer.”

“In the first half of the twentieth century, radium was used to make a paint that glows in the dark. Radium is now considered too dangerous to use for such purposes. Many young women who used the paint in their work died from cancers of the bone or of the head. The bone cancers were caused by microscopic amounts of radium which were unintentionally swallowed. The head cancers resulted from radon gas generated inside the women’s bodies which collected in their sinus and mastoid cavities.”

Radium that is swallowed is absorbed into the bone (because it is chemically similar to calcium), and undergoes radioactive decay to radon, a radioactive gas that escapes bone. Some of the radon accumulates sinuses and about 30 per cent is exhaled. What SEA-US didn’t tell us that after decades of study of the radium dial painters there was no case of bone cancer and nasal sarcoma in the population of women exposed to relatively high doses up to 1000 cGy. In fact the radium dial painter data is often cited as evidence against the no-safe-level-of-radiation argument. Other adverse health effects, (including leukaemia) which was anticipated due to radiation doses to the bone marrow, are non-existent in this population, even in high-dose groups.

As is usually the case with the radiophobic green, the horrible consequences of the atomic bomb blasts above Hiroshima and Nagasaki are trotted out:

“The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 brought great human suffering from exposure to high levels of gamma rays. People suffered nausea, vomiting, loss of hair, haemorrhage and destruction of the digestive system leading to loss of body fluids.”

While these statements are true, they are only an indication of what can happen with extremely high radiation doses. They are about as relevant to the nuclear industry as third degree burns are to the coal electricity industry.

“Children born of mothers pregnant at the time of the bombing suffered a high rate of microencephaly – a reduction in the size of head and brain.”

SEA-US failed to mention that for those receiving single radiation doses between 400 and 600 mSv, their children had a 4 per cent lower mortality risk, 23 per cent less aneuploidy, 29 per cent fewer chromosomal aberrations and 30 per cent fewer mutations in blood proteins.

“People in the outer areas of the two cities received low radiation exposures. In the years since the bombings the survivors’ health has been closely followed. The number of deaths from cancer has been plotted against the radiation dose to individual survivors.”

Important data (deliberately?) omitted by SEA-US was that those exposed to between 100 and 200 mSv of radiation had a lower incidence of leukaemia than those exposed to less than 100 mSv. SEA-US also quotes the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (a Soviet front organisation established in 1981 with the help of Georgi Arbatov, a KGB operative):

“A study of the health and environmental effects of radioactive fallout by the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War has found that: atmospheric testing will cause 430,000 cancer deaths by year 2000 and eventually over 2 million cancer deaths.”

The IPPNW is about as trustworthy as a kleptomaniac alcoholic in a liquor store with a blind attendant. Unsurprisingly, the 2 million deaths mooted above is absolute balderdash. These supposed deaths were calculated by assuming that the discredited no-safe-level-of-radiation hypothesis is in fact true. The reality is that we need not worry about the infinitesimal increase in background radiation resulting from past nuclear tests.

As usual, SEA-US wheeled out Chernobyl:

“According to Ukrainian physicist, Vladimir Chernousenko by 1990 the Black Book held 7000 names of people who had died from leukemia and birth defects. Depression of the immune system – called ‘Chernobyl AIDS’ – has reduced resistance to disease especially among children.”

Interestingly, I have been unable to find any references to these deaths in the peer-reviewed medical literature. What I was able to find was references to the lack of evidence for increased leukaemia rates. In what is probably the largest and most systematic study of the health effects of Chernobyl accident, the International Atomic Energy Agency, studying people living beyond the 18 mile “prohibition zone” around the accident site found “no health disorders that could be attributed directly to radiation exposure”. Speculations of increased numbers of leukaemia and other cancers did not eventuate. They further concluded that “any increases over the natural rate of incidence of cancer or hereditary effects would be difficult to discern, even with larger and well designed long-term epidemiological studies”.

“Seascale village lies three kilometres from Sellafield. The village children suffer an excess of leukemia and multiple myeloma six times the national rate. The villagers saw an obvious link with the plant but the management denied any link. Then in 1990 a research team, headed by Dr Martin Gardner, found that children of male workers at the plant had six times greater chance of developing cancer than other children.”

Once again, SEA-US (deliberately?) failed to tell the full story. Studies of all 14,282 workers in the plant revealed that cancer rates were 4 per cent less than that of England and Wales, and was the same as that of the district of Cumbria where the plant is located. Follow-up investigations to the Gardner study revealed that the apparent leukaemia risk was inconsistent with other epidemiological and experimental data. Thus, it is unlikely that the association observed in the children of the Sellafield workforce represents a causal relationship – and that other factors may be to blame. Medical researchers now favour something called “population mixing” as an explanation for the Gardner data. Don’t expect SEA-US to admit to this any time soon.

“On pastures strontium-90 and iodine-131 migrate from soil through the grass eaten by cows to milk. Cesium-137 accumulates in animals from farm fodder. Fungi and mosses concentrate radionuclides. Reindeer meat is the staple diet of Laplanders but since Chernobyl it has been highly contaminated with radionuclides from the fallout.”

The reality, again, is somewhat different. Cesium-137 mimics potassium and accumulated in reindeer muscle. Radiation specialists in Stockholm showed that many Swedes would have had to eat sixty 12-ounce ‘contaminated’ steaks a day for a year to expose themselves to the same level of radiation as they get from the radon in their homes. Another way of putting it is that eating 154 pounds of reindeer meat contaminated to 500 times the Swedish safety standard to presents a risk equivalent to smoking one cigarette a week! “So much for highly contaminated”!

“The ICRP 1956 dose limit, for workers, was 50 milliSieverts (milliSv) and 1 milliSv for members of the public. However, despite acknowledging radiation to be five times more dangerous the ICRP reduced its limit to only 20 milliSv for workers a little less than half the previous limit. Public exposure was not reduced at all and was kept at 1 milliSv. The dose limit should have been 10 milliSv for workers and 0.2 for members of the public. The new limit means that the annual risk of death (from cancer) for a uranium miner is 1 in 1250, which is nearly ten times the risk of fatal injury in Australian industry generally, which is 1 in 20,000.”

Once again SEA-US left out crucial information. The low levels of acceptable radiation exposure mentioned above reflects the increasing conservatism of radiation protection authorities, and certainly does not reflect the radiation health data accumulating in the peer-reviewed medical literature over the course of the century. Once again, the estimate of one death in 1250 for Australian uranium miners was made using the no-safe-level hypothesis. And as we would expect, the silliness of this estimate is demonstrated by the fact that uranium miners are not dropping dead at the predicted rate.

“Even so the uranium industry has protested that the ICRP’s new limits would be uneconomic for underground mining. In the Roxby mine underground miners have received up to 30 milliSv a year.”

The SEA-US agenda is clear: It wants to close down all Australian uranium mines. And the no-safe-level-of-radiation hypothesis is the club that SEA-US uses to make its case. Yet 30 mSv per year is less radiation than the average background radiation in many parts of the world including Norway with 365 mSv per year. The reality is that those miners have little to fear from the small doses they receive, except of course the loss of employment if SEA-US gets its way.

The rule at SEA-US appears to be “quote it if it supports your argument, ignore it if it doesn’t”. SEA-US’s article is extremely selective in the data it cites to support its ideological position that there is no safe level of radiation. And they have to be selective, given the more than 1,000 papers in the peer-reviewed literature that support the idea that small doses of radiation are actually beneficial. Perhaps the radio-phobes at SEA-US have can tell us why this vast body of research is wrong. I await their response with interest.

Editor: The situation in Australia has now reached the ridiculous stage where independent writers like Dr Aaron Oakley now feel morally impelled to step in, at their own expense, to defend the uranium industry, despite the fact that the industry is spending a fortune paying flaks to do this very job. That no heads have rolled as a consequence of the industry’s dismal PR failures is a grim reflection on its ability to successfully tackle green ideologues.

c)1999 By Oakley Environmental Research. The right to reproduce this page is granted providing that attribution to the author is given and that this notice is reproduced.

Nov 9, 2001

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The Ten Deceptions, Part VII

The Ten Deceptions, Part VII

Deception Eight. Any increase in radiation is not acceptable and must not be tolerated.

The reasoning behind this idea is that the existence of nuclear reactors causes a slight increase in overall radiation, from the uranium mining stage to the final burning and disposal of fuel. This is criminal and must be stopped at all costs.

For the average person who no knowledge of radiation this makes sense and he will usually agree with this argument.

“Sure,” he says. “I’d be crazy to just lie down and let them nuke me with more radiation. Give’m hell!

Because of this gross ignorance the public has fallen lock step behind the activists and made it impossible to get approval for a new nuclear power plant since 1974. The loss of this great technology is the result of a nation ruled by sound bites. The average person has two or three sound bites of knowledge in their head on matters of national importance and this forms the basis of their support. Unfortunately, these sound bite impressions mold public opinion and public opinion is the main power which molds public policy.

Public opinion does not have to be right. It only has to be, to exist in order to create reality.

When the dominate public opinion was that the world was flat and that if you sailed far enough you would fall off the edge, then for hundreds of years no one dared venture forth.

For centuries the dominate public opinion was that you did not question religious authorities and when you spoke out you were tortured to death.

When the dominate public opinion was that civilization would fall apart without slavery then we had slavery which lasted for millennia.

When the dominate public opinion was that Hitler was a European problem the United States did not enter the war.

But after Pearl Harbor public opinion shifted, the people saw the error of their ways, and war was immediately declared.

Right or wrong, all but a few leaders follow definite public opinion.

Yesteryear public opinion supported slavery and we had slaves. Today it overwhelmingly is against it so leaders follow along and are against it also.

When public opinion is wrong it eventually sees the light and makes a change, but that illusion which holds it in place is often dispersed slowly and sometimes takes a thousand years.

Let us hope that the illusion around nuclear power can make a Pearl Harbor type of quick change rather than a slow flat earth one.

So what is the reality here? Is the increase in radiation caused directly or indirectly by nuclear energy a concern? To understand all we need do is look at a few figures and then the logical mind can piece together the true situation.

According to a United Nations study the average person on planet earth is already exposed to considerable radiation equal to 2.4 mSv per year. In addition to this outside exposure we also have internal radioactivity to the tune of 16,000,000 atomic radiations per hour. This internal radioactivity comes from small amounts of radioactive elements in our body, which if it was reported to exist within any distanced from a nuclear reactor, the activists would be scaring people to death with a report of its existence.

We know, however, that radioactivity in our bodies can’t be that bad because we’ve managed to continue as a race for thousands, perhaps millions of years with no ill effects.

But what about that 2.4 mSv per year of outside radiation? Where does that come from?

It comes from several sources. About 57% comes from deep within the earth and an additional 17% comes from the earth’s surface. In addition about 11% comes from cosmic rays. But here’s a shocker. Over 14% of our average radiation exposure comes from the medical industry such as dental X-rays, chest X-rays, chemotherapy, and general exposure to medical equipment.

But what about all the testing of atomic bombs the United States and Russians did? How much of this exposure comes from them?

Answer: about one third of one percent of the average yearly radiation comes from this source.

Well, what about nuclear reactors, all the uranium and radioactive materials hauled to and fro – plus all the waste? Why the waste alone has to be blasting us with 110% exposure right there!

Hold on to your hat and awake. The whole contribution of the entire nuclear industry worldwide to the radiation exposure of the average person is a whopping .0002 mSv per year out of the 2.4 total. Let us see what part of 2.4 is .0002???

Well, I’ll be. My third grade math reveals that is one part in 12,000. In other words, only one radioactive particle in 12,000 that passes through the average body comes from the nuclear industry. In fact, the average person receives 2000 times more radiation from medical authorities than from nuclear reactors, nuclear waste or the transporting thereof.

If we eliminated the billions of poverty stricken people of the earth who never receive X-rays or civilized medical treatment then the ratio would be much greater.

Perhaps the nuclear activist should ask himself this question: “Why am I so fearful and paranoid about an industry which has ad close to zero accidental deahs due to radiation in the western Hemisphere since the beginning of the nuclear age? Why am I so fearful when the average person receives 2000 times more radiation from medical sources? Why am I protesting nuclear facilities rather than hospitals? Why am I not more fearful of the luminous dial on my watch which gives me more exposure to radiation than all the nuclear power plants in the world?”

Too bad such an individual has a fixed mindset that prevents any self examination.

Actually the deluded soul should be angry at mother earth rather than nuclear plants since the earth we stand on is our prime source of radiation exposure giving us much more exposure than the medical establishment.

“But.” Says the activist, “even though nuclear power plants may not give off a lot at present, every little bit counts and can upset the balance of nature.”

Consider this. Each location on the earth has a different level of radiation. The average for the planet is 2.4 mSv per year, but it differs in each location. In the United States the average person receives more than average or 3.6 mSv per year.

Her are some averages for some other nations: Austria   2.8 Belgium     3.3 Finland      7.6 France 5.1 Germany   3.3 Ireland 3.8 Netherlands     2.1 Spain      4.9 Sweden     6.0 UK 2.2

Some countries are higher than these. Parts of India receive 15 mSv and places in Africa reach as high as 50 mSv. Scientists estimate that we do not have much to worry about unless we reach the 50 mSv level

As you can see there is a tremendous difference of radioactive exposure in different countries just from natural causes.

Even if you live in the United States the difference of radioactivity in one part of the country will be much different than another. If you live in Denver you receive twice the radiation as you do in New York. Why? Mountainous areas have more radiation than seaports and there is more radiation in higher altitudes such as Denver than at sea level as is the case with New York.

In fact, if you fly in a commercial airline you increase your dosage from cosmic radiation by about 200 times during that period you are in the air.

An activist gets a bigger dose of radiation flying to a nuclear protest than anyone will receive from the radiation against which he is protesting.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Nov 8, 2001

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