The Ray of Power

The Ray of Power

A reader expresses concern over this quote from DK about the Lord of the First Ray, thinking it sounds like it could be Lucifer.

The intent of the Lord of the first ray is to stand behind His six Brothers, and when They have achieved Their purpose, to shatter the forms which They have built. This He does by passing His power through Their bodies, and Their united effort leads to abstraction and a return to the center whence the initial impulse came. The first ray purpose therefore is to produce death, and some idea of that purpose may be gleaned if we study some of the names by which the ray Lord is called:

“The Lord of Death

The Opener of the Door

The Liberator from Form

The Great Abstractor

The Fiery Element, producing shattering

The Crystallizer of the Form

The Power that touches and withdraws

The Lord of the Burning Ground

The Will that breaks into the Garden

The Ravisher of Souls

The Finger of God

The Breath that blasts

The Lightning which annihilates

The Most High”

The first point to consider is whether you are referring to the name Lucifer as in “Bringer of Light” or the one who was a Lucifer, but is fallen and no longer bears this name, but instead is a “Prince of Darkness.”

The Light bringing aspect is the Third Ray, not the First.

I assume you are concerned that perhaps some evil source is behind all this because, for instance, the First Ray is associated with the Lord of Death.

Does this scripture help?

“I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.” Rev 1:18

Christ was actually Second Ray but worked under the First Ray Lord and thus had the keys of death making him a Lord of death as far as he wielded the Father energy.

Was not God the Lord of Death, as taught by the Biblical flood where humanity was destroyed by a great flood?

There is an important principle to follow as higher knowledge is pursued. One must look beyond the black and white of what was held dear in the past and look at the principle of good and evil in itself as it registers with the soul who receives as a little child.

If we, for instance take the scripture which says that “The Lord is a man of War” (Ex 15:3) and use it to signal a red flag when violated, then we would indeed reject Christ himself (a man of peace) if he should appear. In fact, this scriptural red flag was the very thing that caused the Jews to reject the Messiah, for time and time again he seemed to violate their literal interpretation. Again, and again, they thought the scriptures indicated he was in cahoots with the evil one for he seemed to be destroying their law.

They would have been better off to do as the prostitutes, disregard the scriptures and judge him purely on the basis of these simple questions:

Is this a good man or a bad man?

Are his teachings elevating or destructive?

Are his actions helpful and loving or hurtful?

Does he teach principles that can be registered by my soul or data that cannot be verified?

Joseph Smith had a terrible problem in dealing with members who had red flags go up when his teachings seemed to contradict an interpretation of scripture they held dear. When he taught that we are gods and man is “co-equal with God” it raised such consternation that many wanted him dead.

In addition, he spoke thus to his inner circle, he said:

“Would to God I could tell you what I know! But you would want to call it blasphemy and want to take my life.” Life of Heber C. Kimball Page 333.

This was something even beyond the man becoming God doctrine. He apparently knew some startling things that would seem to violate any black and white interpretation of scripture.

Jesus made a similar statement to the apostles.

Because higher revelation always seems (note that word) to contradict the old, the only ones who can withstand it when it comes are those who understand the basic principle of good and evil and are guided by it according to soul contact.

Now in relation to the Rays the first thing to consider is this. The essential energy of the rays is like money. It is an energy which is neither good or evil by itself. Whether or not the Ray energy is good or evil depends on the intelligence of he who wields the power.

There is a first Ray Lord on the side of Light, but there is also one on the dark side.

Those who use the First Ray on the side of light will use the name of “the Lord of death” in a positive way to further the evolution of humanity. For instance, the Brotherhood of Light used the death aspect to destroy Hitler’s Third Reich, outworn ideas, and useless forms. The Dark Brotherhood use this same aspect to destroy freedom, the souls of men and the appearance of new forms which help humanity.

The three Rays of aspect are that of Power, Love/Wisdom and Active Intelligence, or The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These are three different perceptions of the One Life. We often call this One Life the Father, but the Father is the first aspect of the One and not the actual One Life itself. There is no name that would have much meaning to our consciousness for the One Life behind the aspects, but we know it includes the wholeness of the Trinity and embraces Father/Mother/Child.

I have received an insight into that which is behind the Three and have given it the name Purpose for want of a better word. There is no English word for it, but Purpose gives a glimmer of insight into the origin of all creation.

If you look at a baby, a flower or the night sky with thousands of stars and think of the word “Purpose” it gives one the feeling that everything is drifting toward some glorious end that we cannot imagine in our present consciousness.

The originating Purpose causes the three aspects to manifest, making creation begin, paving the way for originating Purpose to eventually be understood by Itself and its creations which are extensions of Itself.

The first glimpse then into the mind of God reveals Power, for God could not manifest if he was powerless.

The second glimpse into the mind of God reveals Love for even though God has the power, he would not create if he did not love his creations.

The third glimpse into the mind of God reveals intelligence for when Power through Love creates, the intelligence of the Creator is obvious.

Thus, the three aspects, or visions of God are Power, Love and Intelligence – and from these three all creation owes its origin.

All the rays are subdivided into lower Trinities. The Trinity that composes the First Ray of Power are these:

Will – Power – Purpose

These subdivisions are sub aspects or a different, more concentrated way of looking at God than seeing Him as Power or Purpose only.

To understand the First Ray, one must contemplate these words (Will – Power – Purpose) – what they mean and how their meanings interplay.

Think then on these three words and what they mean in relation to God, humanity and each other.

An LDS reader asks what is a Monad. Since you have a Mormon background perhaps the best way to explain is in Mormon Language.

The monad is your originating intelligence, or light of truth, that primal part of you which is eternal and co-equal with God, for it is a reflection of the one God.

In esoteric language the monad is that originating point from which your evolution into consciousness began. It is that part of you which is at one with God and is the Father aspect of your being. It is your personal “Father in heaven.”

Your monad vibrates on one of the Rays of Aspect (rays one, two or three) and not on a Ray of Attribute.

He then asks when higher principles will be restored to the Mormon church?

The future is going to unfold a lot different than is believed within the Mormon church today. So far, all the higher principles revealed since 1844 have been given to teachers outside the LDS church and will continue so for some time to come. Concerning the coming of the One Mighty and Strong predicted in Mormon scriptures you might note that he will set “the House of God” in order. Note that the prophecy does not talk about setting the “Church” in order?

And who is the House of God? It is those people of all religions and beliefs who seek after knowledge and the Spirit of God with purity of motive. Many of the pure in heart in this age feel lost in this world as if they do not belong and desire order and fellowship within the true house of God – but know not where or how to find it.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Nov 26, 2001

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Attribute and Aspect

Attribute and Aspect

Since the Bailey writings are difficult to understand some have expressed interest in the presentation of some of the core teachings so the whole will be easier to understand. This sounds like a good approach so we will herewith start with the central teaching of the Seven Rays.

The Seven Rays are the seven creative energies which are the creative forces, or lives, that have created all that we see in the known universe.

The seven Rays operate through many correspondences beginning with the seven Spirits mentioned in the scriptures.

Rev 1:4 John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne;

Rev 3:1 And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars.

Rev 4:5 And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

Also note the Aquarian Gospel Chapter 58

19 Eternal Thought is one; in essence it is two–Intelligence and Force; and when they breathe a child is born; this child is Love.

20 And thus the Triune God stands forth, whom men call Father-Mother-Child.

21 This Triune God is one; but like the one of light, in essence he is seven.

22 And when the Triune God breathes forth, lo, seven Spirits stand before his face; these are creative attributes.

23 Men call them lesser gods, and in their image they made man.

Then the book of Revelations gives a lower correspondence:

Rev 5:6 And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

Thus we have the Seven Spirits as representing the creators of the universe down to “seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.” These would be seven avatars or teachers to the human race.

Note in the scriptures above that the number seven keeps reappearing. Not only are there seven spirits, but there are seven churches, seven stars, seven lamps, seven trumpets and much more.

Then within our observable creation the seven creative energies manifest as the seven colors that compose the one white light and the seven notes on the musical scale.

As we study these Seven Rays it would be helpful if you had the Alice A. Bailey writings available. If you have not purchased the books you can view, download or search the text free of charge at: LINK


The Seven Rays are separated into two divisions. The first three are called rays of aspect and the last four are called rays of attribute.

What is the difference between a Ray of Aspect and one of Attribute and why are they called such?

The Three In One

Here is one answer we received rom Rick:

“Aspect has to do with which way something is facing, like left, right, middle. Attribute has more to do with what’s in something. On my chart, the first three rays come from the One Source and the remaining rays come out of ray three but also contain a mixture of the other two. As we discovered, when using the chart before, it is laid out intentionally to allow us to use correspondence. It would seem that the first three rays are primary ways of looking at things and the secondary or attribute rays contain mixtures of perspectives. Compare to your reactions to a given input. You can be happy or sad, which is an aspect, or you could be confused by it, with equal amounts of happy and sad, an attribute.”

Well said Rick. Actually, Djwhal Khul never clearly explained why the first three Rays are called aspects and the lower four called attributes. But this is one thing we will concentrate on here. Instead of just quoting the Bailey material, we will take certain teachings and elaborate and expand upon them.

You can read the books without the aid of me or the group. The benefit of a class like this is that it will allow us to go further than what has been written in black and white.

Rick says an aspect “has to do with which way something is facing, like left, right, middle.” My dictionary has two definitions which seem to apply:

  1. A way in which something can be viewed by the mind.
  2. A position facing or commanding a given direction; exposure.

To really understand the first three Rays of aspect (Rays 1, 2 & 3) we have to go back to the One Great Life, the creator of all there is.

Because in the ultimate reality “all is One” then the only way there can be more than one is to view the One from differing angles, or aspects, giving the illusion that there is more than one and from this illusionary principle or aspect, create all there is.

The aspect principle goes back to the guitar string idea I taught earlier.

If you take a single guitar string and examine it, there is before you only one string. But if you pluck it and create sound (the Word) then something magical happens before your eyes. Suddenly, as you look at the vibrating string you see not one string but three strings. These three strings are three aspects of the one string.

An attribute as defined as “A quality or characteristic inherent in or ascribed to someone or something.”

Thus, the Rays of attribute correspond to the qualities of the sound which comes from the vibrating string.

It could also be said that an aspect corresponds to what we see, and attributes to what we hear or sense.

The first three rays are given as follows by DK:

Ray I   Power  Life      Ideas    The Monad.
Ray II  Love-Wisdom Consciousness Ideals   The Soul.
Ray III.      Active Intelligence      Appearance     Idols    The Personality.

These three rays have many names and correspondences. Her are just a few: Hindu:

Shiva-Vishnu-Brahma. Christian: Father-Son-Holy Ghost. Hebrew: Kether      -Binah-Chochmah. Egyptian: Amun-RA-Horus-Osiris-Isis.

Most of us are familiar with the Christian Trinity, The Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

To say that these three are aspects of God is then to say that these three are three different ways of looking at or understanding the One God.

Question: What are the differences between the three aspects, often called the Father-Son-Holy Ghost?

Copyright by J J Dewey

Nov 23, 2001

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The White Horse Prophecy

The White Horse Prophecy

In the White horse prophecy Joseph Smith stated he would not live to go to the Rocky Mountains. I have included it at the end of the post. It is quite interesting reading, even though all the prophesies did not literally come to pass.

The Mormon church uses the word “spurious” in connection with it and discourages the members from quoting it.

Whether you have an LDS background or not you should find these predictions quite interesting.

The “WHITE HORSE” Prophecy

This prophecy spoken by Joseph Smith on May 6, 1843 in the presence of Edwin Rushton and Theodore Turley. This was repeated in a meeting about two weeks later, but in both instances was written out from memory afterwards: There has been much criticism of the “White Horse” prophecy. many saying there is no foundation for it. But Brigham Young quotes from it in the Journal of Discourses.

On or about the sixth day of May. 1843, a grand review of the Nauvoo Legion was held in Nauvoo. (Illinois) The Prophet Joseph complimented them for their good discipline and evolutions performed. The weather being hot, he called for a glass of water. With the glass of water in his hand he said, “I drink to you a toast to the overthrow of the mobocrats.” The next morning a man who had heard the Prophet give the toast returned to visit the Mansion of the Prophet. And so abused him with bad language. That the man was ordered out by the Prophet. It was while the two were out that my attention was attracted to them and hearing the man speaking in a loud tone of voice. I went toward them; the man finally leaving. There were present the Prophet Joseph Smith. Theodore Turley and myself. The Prophet began talking to us of the mobbings and drivings and persecutions we as a people have endured. But, said he, “We will have worse things to see; our persecutors will have all the mobbings they want. Don’t wish them any harm. For when you see their sufferings you will shed bitter tears for them.” While this conversation was going on we stood by his south wicket gate in a triangle. Turning to me he said: “I want to tell you something. I will speak a parable like unto John the Revelator. You will go to the Rocky Mountains. And you will be a great and mighty people, established there, which I will call the ‘White Horse of Peace and Safety.’ When the Prophet said you will see it, I asked him, “Where will you be at that time?” He said, “I shall never go there. Your enemies will continue to follow you with persecutions and will make obnoxious laws against you in Congress to destroy the White Horse, but you will have a friend or two ‘to defend you’ to throw out the worst part of the laws, so they will not hurt much. You must continue to petition Congress all the time, they will treat you like strangers and aliens, and they will not give you your rights but will govern you with strangers and commissioners; you will see the Constitution of the United States almost destroyed; it will hang by a thread, as it were, as fine as the finest silk fiber.” At this point the Prophet’s countenance became sad; he said, “I love the constitution. It was made by the inspiration of God. And it will be preserved and saved by the efforts of the White Horse and the Red Horse. Who will combine in its defense. The White Horse will raise an ensign on the tops of the mountains of peace and safety. The White Horse will find the mountains full of minerals and they will become very rich. You will see silver piled up in the streets “You will see gold shoveled up like sand. Gold will be of little value even in a mercantile capacity, for the people of the world will have something else to do in seeking for salvation “ The time will come when the banks in every nation will fail and only two places will be safe where people can deposit their gold and treasures. These places will be the White Horse and England’s vaults.” “A terrible revolution will take place in the land of America, such as has never been seen before; for the land will be literally left without a supreme government. And every species of wickedness will run rampant. Father will be against son, and son against father, mother against daughter, and daughter against mother. The most terrible scenes of murder and bloodshed and rapine that have ever been looked upon will take place. “Peace will be taken from the earth and there will be no peace only in the Rocky Mountains. This will cause many hundreds and thousands of the honest in heart to gather there; not because they would be saints but for safety and because they would not take up the sword against their neighbor.

“You will be so numerous that you will be in danger of famine, but not for the want of seed time and harvest, but because of so many to be fed, Many will come with bundles under their arms to escape the calamities, and there will be no escape except by fleeing to Zion. “Those that come to you will try to keep the laws and be one with you, for they will see your unity and the greatness of your organization. The Turkish Empire or the Crescent will be one of the first powers that will be disrupted, for freedom must be given for the Gospel to he preached in the Holy Land. “The Lord took of the best blood of the nations and planted them on the small islands now called England and Great Britain, and gave them great power in the nations for a thousand years and their power will continue with them, that they may keep the balance of power and keep Russia from usurping her power over all the world. England and France are now bitter enemies, (1843) but they will be allied together and he united to keep Russia from conquering the world. “The two Popes, Greek and Catholic, will come together and be united. The Protestant religions do not know how much they are indebted to Henry the VIII for throwing off the Pope’s Bull and establishing the Protestant faith. He was the only monarch who could do so at the time, and he did it because this nation, England, was at his back to sustain him. One of the peculiar features in England is the established red coat, a uniform making so remarkable a mark to shoot at, and yet they have conquered wherever they have gone. The reason for this will be known by them some day. The Lion and the Unicorn of Israel is their ensign, the wisdom and statesmanship of England comes from having so much of the blood of Israel in the nation. “While the terrible revolution of which I have spoken has been going on. England will be neutral until it becomes so inhuman that she will interfere to stop the shedding of blood. England and France will unite together to make peace. not to subdue the nations; they will find the nations so broken up and so many claiming government, till there will be no responsible government. Then it will appear to the other nations or powers as though England had taken possession of the country. The Black Horse will flee to the invaders and will join with them. for they will have fear of becoming slaves again. knowing England did not believe in slavery, fleeing to them they believe would make them safe; armed with British bayonets. the doings of the “Black” Horse will he terrible.” Here the Prophet said he. could not bear to look longer upon the scene as shown him in vision and asked the Lord to close the scene. Continuing, he said. “During this time the great White Horse will have gathered strength sending out Elders to gather the honest in heart among the Pale Horse, or people of the United States, to stand by the Constitution of the United States. as it was given by inspiration of God. “In these days God will set up a kingdom” In these days God will set up a kingdom. never to he thrown down, for other kingdoms to come unto. And these kingdoms that will not let the Gospel be preached will be humbled until they will. “England, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Holland, and Belgium, have a considerable amount of the blood of Israel among their people WHICH must be gathered. Then nations will submit to the kingdom of God. England will be the last of these kingdoms to surrender. but when she does she will do it as a whole in comparison as she threw off the Catholic power. The nobility know that the Gospel is true but it has not enough pomp and grandeur and influence. for them to embrace it. They are proud and will not acknowledge the kingdom of God, or come unto it. until they see the power which it will have. Peace and safety in the Rocky Mountains will be protected by a cordon band of the White Horse and the Red Horse.

“The coming of the Messiah among this people will be so natural, that “only” those who see Him will know that He has come, but He will come and give His laws unto Zion, and minister unto His people. This will not be His coming in the clouds of heaven to take vengeance on the wicked of the world.

“The Temple in Jackson County will be built in this generation. The saints will think there will not be time to build it. but with all the help you will receive you can put up a great temple quickly. They will have all the gold, silver, and precious stones; for these things only will be used for the beautifying of the temple; all the skilled mechanics you want, and the Ten Tribes of Israel will help you build it. When you see this land bound with iron you may look toward Jackson County” At this point he made a pause, and looking up as though the vision was still in view, he said.” There is a land beyond the Rocky Mountains (California) that will be invaded by the heathen Chinese unless great care and protection are given.” Speaking of the heathen nations he said, “Where there is no law there is no condemnation, and this will apply to them. Power will be given the White Horse to rebuke nations afar off, and they will be one with the White Horse, but when the law goes forth they will obey; for the law will go forth from Zion. The last great struggle Zion will have to contend with will be when the whole of the Americas will be made the Zion of our God. Those opposing will be called Gog and Magog some of the nations of the world led by the Russian czar and their power will be great, but all opposition will be overcome and then this land will be the Zion of our God.”

Nov 21`, 2001

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The Chain of Contact

May 14, 2020

The Chain of Contact

Over the years I have had a number of people ask me about prayer and how our communion with God is supposed to work. I’ve touched on the answer to this in the past, but perhaps a more complete explanation is in order.

Those who are raised in an orthodox religion are taught about a god who sits upon a throne and pays complete attention to each and every one of the billions of people on this planet as well as everything else in the universe. Not only is he aware of you but he follows your every thought and action.

Now there are various doctrines on the Trinity but most think that Jesus shares this same omniscience.

Thus the good believer who prays feels that God is personally taking an interest in him and hears every word he or she speaks.

Let us turn this idea around and place yourself in the position of the all powerful all knowing God. You have all power so you can do anything you want. Do you really think you would want to spend all your time sitting on a throne taking in and evaluating billions of thoughts and prayers each day?

Just imagine what a hassle it would be to keep track of the thoughts and prayers of even a hundred believers, let alone a thousand, a million or over seven billion here on Earth and trillions on other earths and the unseen worlds.

If you have all power and can do anything you want I do not think his would be your idea of a good time. Just a few dozen rambling prayers going through one’s mind would be enough to drive any sane person to madness.

Does it not make sense here to apply the Law of Correspondences which tells us that that which is higher corresponds or has similarities to that which is below and that which is below corresponds to that which is above? The correspondences are never exactly the same, as many teach, but there are always similarities.

What therefore could correspond to a Higher Intelligence we call God governing his kingdom?

A lower correspondence to God and his kingdom would be a CEO over a business kingdom such as Tim Cook who presides over Apple. Tim is responsible for 137,000 employees, but even though he accepts this responsibility he does not personally oversee each one and give them instructions and corrections while individually listening to all their concerns. Instead, he presides over a hierarchy.

If there is some new policy he wants to incorporate he may call a meeting of a handful of leaders and explain it to them. They in turn will spread the ideas to others until all the many thousands receive the transmission and are given the individual attention that is needed to adapt to the new information or policy.

If a regular employee has a concern that he thinks he needs to share with Tim he will find that the best approach is to contact his supervisor instead, as Tim is too busy to individually listen to all employees. If an employee has something that is indeed innovative the suggestion may go up the line of authority until it reaches Tim, but as it turns out most concerns will be centered around his working group which may be a dozen employees or less. Most employee concerns and communications are handled at lower levels of hierarchy and need not call the attention of the higher ones who have their hands full dealing with broader issues.

Now Tim has an awareness, or a finger on the pulse, of the whole company and if he desires he can call upon any individual employee, but overall his attention has to be upon the whole rather than the part. On the other hand, the parts, or the individuals are not ignored, but linked up to Tim by a hierarchy of other workers. No one is left without guidance.

Now the skeptic will say that one cannot compare heavenly things to earthly things or God to humans.

And I say, why not? Of course, there will be differences but there are certain principles that are universal.

Why do you suppose it is written that God has “an innumerable company of angels” (Heb 12:22) and servants at his disposal if He as an individual does all the work? If this one being called God does all things for us then why does he need prophets, messengers and angels?

To the vast multitude of faithful servants on the earth Jesus made this promise:

“Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” Matt 25:23

If the individual we call God does all the work then what work will there be for the faithful servants. What are the “many things” over which they will preside?

God works with us because he needs us for we live in a universe of duality and separation so the various separate entities have to help each other. We are the arms and legs of God that have to reach out and assist others to the extent that they will say within themselves, “thank God.”

So what happens when we pray? Is anyone listening?

How far up the ladder your prayer goes depends on the intensity and sincerity of the individual.

Jesus tells us that we have “angels” who are assigned to watch over us. (Matt 18:10)

Indeed, there is one individual, usually higher up the ladder of spiritual evolution than yourself, who resides in the spirit world, paradise, or the kingdom of souls. This individual is assigned to watch over you and will assist you in making course corrections to insure that you fulfill your life’s purpose. This individual deals with a number of earth entities so you do not take up all of its labor but it will pay particular attention to you at important crossroads of your life.

This angel, or guide as it is often called, does not focus on answering your prayers though it may assist at certain important occasions.

The average payer of average intensity goes to your subconscious and mental self. This is like a great computer that can send you answers on many things, but it is only as accurate as its programming. It is a little like Google in that it has lots of information available, much of it is useful, but it is not infallible.

If your prayer, meditation or focused thought is intense enough you may pierce the astral static and reach your soul, your Higher Self, your guide or some helpful spirit entity who just happens to be tuning in.

Your normal contact above your subconscious is your own Higher Self or soul. Your soul is happy to see you making an effort to contact Higher Intelligence for a channel must be open by an effort from both sides of the veil. The soul’s effort is described in the first rule of White Magic which reads:

“The Solar Angel collects himself, scatters not his force, but in meditation deep communicates with his reflection.”

You are the reflection of your Higher Self, the soul, and such reflection roughly corresponding to your dream self which is an imperfect reflection of your waking self.

If you want to communicate with your dream self you have to focus a powerful thought and send it to your subconscious which can be picked up by the dream self. Then there are those who are lucid dreamers who are aware they are dreaming and know they are one with the waking self.

Now the correspondence between the higher and lower selfs is not exactly like this, but similar.

Jus as your waking self has a higher awareness than your dream self even so does your soul have a higher awareness than you. Even so, your soul is still you, but just a more complete you with much greater knowledge and abilities.

On the other hand, your soul is a reflection of something still higher which is your originating intelligence, called the Monad in the Ancient Wisdom.

Your soul corresponds to your Mother in Heaven and your monad to your Father God.

Your soul is linked to all other human souls on the planet which are linked to their monads which are linked to the One Great Life we call God.

Therefore, when your prayer ascends to your soul it ascends to God, but in this universe of duality God has become the many and there is indeed an “innumerable company” of assistants who help in the great work of guiding us through this dreary world until we find our way home.

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Questions from Mormons

Questions from Mormons

Question: Joseph Smith is said to have received revelation on this matter as early as 1830, and it is well documented that he began the practice shortly thereafter, accumulating many plural wives before he died. However — he also kept the matter very “hush-hush” (it wasn’t revealed to the body of the church until 1852). Why? Was it fear of persecution … or something more. Joseph has been quoted as saying that he was deceived (about this revelation), and that he could see that it should be stopped at once — that unless it was, the church would be forced to leave the country (which was pretty much the case by the 1880’s). What is your read on this whole thing?

JJ: It is interesting that many who were called prophets made the claim that God told them to practice plural marriage, from Abraham to David, Solomon and later Mohammed and finally Joseph Smith and Brigham Young.

It is interesting that Djwhal Khul stated that the Master Jesus overshadowed Mohammed, who also practiced plural marriage, and Joseph also claimed to receive revelation from him.

There is a time and place for everything and it is possible that some teachers have been told to take plural wives to prepare bodies for an enlightened seed, yet in each case average people joined in the practice and overall the progeny of polygamists are no more children of light than the so-called non believers.

I sought an answer on this principle and I’ll relate it to you to run by your soul.

Both the beginning and the end of plural marriage in the Mormon Church was not correct. Joseph picked up through revelation the basic principles of the Molecular Relationship. Unfortunately they did not even know what molecules and atoms were in those days and he organized it according to the thoughtform of the time and called it “the New and Everlasting Order of Marriage.” Through the encouragement of Brigham Young and others he incorporated plural relationships into the order, which thing he began to regret near the end of his life, especially the physical side.

Brigham Young, after the death of Joseph, went ahead full steam with the principle, having 27 wives for himself and encouraging it among the brethren.

As you know the U.S. government became morally outraged by the practice and made laws against it and began to jail and persecute the leadership of the church. In 1890 the leadership under Wilford Woodruff gave into the pressure and not only discontinued it but outlawed it among the members.

After this the persecution ceased and the church has had a fairly easy coast in growth since that time.

What was wrong with discontinuing it if it was a mistake to begin with?

Because they did it for the wrong reason. The government attempted to take away their constitutional right to practice their religion and they yielded to it. They had an opportunity to stand it for freedom of thought and religion and that would have helped to establish a greater foothold for freedom than we have today.

It should have been discontinued because of a higher clarifying revelation rather than government pressure.

Yielding a principle they believed in to government pressure caused a loss of light among the leadership and from that point on the church began to lose the little light they had on many principles.

Unfortunately most spiritual organizations go through something like this.

Question: Many have said that the Mormon church is different than the church Joseph established. What are the key differences you see?

There are many but I’ll name three: (1) Loss of revelation. The church today claims to get revelation but hasn’t produced on for 100 years or so. (2) Loss of free agency. Even though free agency is still preached a lot, members are only free to speak “approved” words. If the authorities “frown” on your words or thoughts you will be excommunicated. (3) Loss of spiritual power and experiences. When you compare the spiritual experiences in the early church to those that occur today there is a tremendous difference in quantity and quality. Many of those who do have spiritual experiences are suspected to do so by the power of the devil. I have been accused of this myself.

Question: Do you see the Mormon church changing to become what the Lord’s church needs to be at the time Zion gets established? If not … what organization do you see being the focal point of leading the “saints” back to the New Jerusalem, building a temple there, and establishing (finally) Zion — prior to the grand 2nd coming of the Lord? John Z

JJ: Things may have worked out this way if Joseph would have lived. Even though it is reported he predicted an early death for himself, he was supposed to live. He was given a revelation to go west and escape his impending death, but he did not obey. Therefore his death changed many future events and altered some of the prophesies written in the Mormon scriptures.

The plans for the gathering are quite a bit different now than they were in that age and Jackson county will not be a gathering place in any immediate future. The whole Mormon experiment had many failures and the plans of the Christ were readjusted accordingly.

For some time to come the LDS church will crystallize and become rigid in their approach until they become less enlightened than many protestant churches. The challenge will come from members at the bottom of the totem pole who begin to thirst for higher knowledge and more and more small groups will begin to meet privately and discuss higher principles. How the leadership handles this situation as it amplifies will determine the fate of the church. (Written Nov 2001)

It is most likely that the leadership of the Mormon church will entirely miss out on the building of Zion and the establishment of the new age. They will be too busy protecting the church from heresy.

You ask about the Mormon doctrine of doing baptisms and ordinances on behalf of the dead.

It is possible for the living to help the dead through prayer and symbolic ordinances, especially if the people died in a state of guilt or the harboring of grievances. But it is quite useless to do such work for people who have died thousands, and often hundreds of years ago as they have moved on to higher realms or another earth life.

Joseph summed it up well when he said:

“A man may act as proxy for his own relatives; the ordinances of the Gospel which were laid out before the foundations of the world have thus been fulfilled by them, and we may be baptized for those whom we have much friendship for; but IT MUST FIRST BE REVEALED TO THE MAN OF GOD, LEST WE SHOULD RUN TOO FAR.” History of the Church, Vol.6, Ch.17, p.366

Today the church runs “too far” in attempting to do work for the dead clear back to Adam. Except in rare cases they do not work by revelation about the need of the dead as Joseph mentioned.

Paul was correct in advising us to cease from “endless genealogies.” (I Tim 1:4)

Copyright by J J Dewey

Nov 21`, 2001

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Radiation and Questions

Radiation and Questions

Question: “I would like to know how this effect of elevated energy levels (or radioactivity) in our various bodies (physical and otherwise) brings about these two initiations (transfiguration and resurrection)?”

There’s a lot of illusionary writing out there on the web about the increase of radioactivity and vibration preparing us to enter the 4th or 5th dimension. Then others are telling us we are already there but just don’t know it.

Djwhal Khul gives some hints about the effect of nuclear weapons: “Is the etheric web of the planet sufficiently stable and balanced so that it can adequately respond to the new and potent forces which could and will pour through it into objective expression? I would remind you that the release of atomic energy has had a far more potent effect in the etheric web than in the dense physical vehicle of the planet. Three times the atomic bomb was used, and that fact is itself significant. It was used twice in Japan, thereby disrupting the etheric web in what you erroneously call the Far East; it was used once in what is also universally called the Far West, and each time a great area of disruption was formed which will have future potent, and at present unsuspected, results.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 61

Keep in mind that the etheric web produces the life of the planet as a whole and you and I are merely cells in the greater life. After DK wrote this many additional bombs were tested, much more powerful than the three he mentioned here. These great explosions created for the planet as a whole something similar to what a bee sting would be to an individual. Now some people can handle such a sting and shrug it off whereas others are greatly affected and live in terror of bees for the rest of their lives.

Even so, because most of the people on the earth are reactionary and emotionally grounded, rather than mental, the release of atomic explosion has caused a strong illogical repulsion toward anything nuclear. This has given rise to the emotionally based anti nuclear activists. This has caused a transference of fear of the atomic bomb to a fear of harmless nuclear energy, lumping them together under one roof because of the etheric influence on the emotional body.

The disturbance of the etheric web has had an opposite effect on the mental plane, however. On this plane there is no fear created, but instead has a stimulating influence on rational and creative thought.

Just as the atom was split in two, even so has the emotional plane and the mental been split into two camps. The majority of the earth are making decisions and conclusions based on raw emotion, whereas the other, a minority uses the mind.

It seems today to the thinking group that sometimes the effort to use the mind is futile, but the thinkers need to take heart as the power of the mind is to prevail over the lower emotions as we enter the age of Aquarius, an air sign. The next 150 years will make a huge difference if things go according to plan.

As far as the influence of atomic radiation on the initiations of transfiguration and resurrection goes it is not as direct type of influence. The whole thinking process of advanced humanity has been stimulated and this will push more people toward initiation. Even so, the radiation essential for these initiations comes from within and not from outside atomic radiation.

I understand a readers comments on words like “repent,” and “sin,” which are often associated with the likes of some half crazed fundamentalist preacher that we all want to run from.

But in the days of Jesus they were “cool” cutting edge words like “synergistic” and “paradigm shift” is today. This is because the meaning has been altered (or should I say obscured) today.

To sin means to “miss the mark” or to error and to “repent” meant to correct such an error in judgment.

A reader comments that her old black and white beliefs are being challenged here but does not want to replace them with new illusions.

I think most of us have gone through the pat answer syndrome at one time or another. The pat answer routine requires only acceptance and no thought about what is accepted. It was only through great struggle that I was able to free myself from this. It is especially difficult for Mormons because of the teachings of the unpardonable sin creates a great fear that must be neutralized. Of course the regular Christian belief of burning in hell for eternity is no small potatoes either – it’s just a little easier to shrug off because it is completely illogical.

Some Mormons I have taught have responded something like this.

“You may be right in all you say, but if there is even one chance in a million you are wrong then there would be a chance I could reign with the devil and his angels for eternity in outer darkness as a son of perdition. I’ll play it safe and follow the regular teachings.”

How did I overcome this dreaded thoughtform?

Answer: Faith.

What kind of faith?

Faith in the love of God.

If God is truly Love then He/She/It will work with me, even if I am in error, as long as I am willing to follow the highest I know. If God is not willing to go this far with His children then we wouldn’t even want to return to Him would we? Who wants to live for eternity with any Being who is willing to condemn anyone to eternal pain for merely following what is seen as a harmless path that is seen as the best of all possible worlds?

Who wants to live with a God who would send Gandhi to hell for choosing the wrong version of theology?

The truth is that God is good and the eternal path of light is the path of dominating good.

Question: How can the sufferings and atonement be as orthodox teachings represent when many may suffer even as Christ???

The answer is simple: Just as we are capable of sharing the Sonship of God with Jesus even so are we are also capable of enduring the same sufferings he had – meaning that the infinite sufferings and atonement has a different meaning than most assume.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Nov 19, 2001

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More Answers on Atonement

More Answers on Atonement

I am still getting questions on the atonement. A reader makes this comment:

The scriptures are full of teachings about baptism being an essential ordinance for salvation. Jesus himself said as much: “except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” [John 3:5]. Jesus himself even was baptized, although being free from sin, he had no reason to. It was important enough for Christ to do!! Now you teach that such is NOT the case. That baptism is a “dead work”.

JJ: As I said numerous times, baptism by itself is a dead work. If the symbolism behind baptism is seen and understood then it has a living effect. All must have the effect of baptism occur in their lives to enter the kingdom of heaven. Because Jesus had this effect already occur, John the Baptist acknowledged that he did not even need the physical act of baptism, but he (Jesus) went forward anyway to set the example for that age.

True baptism is the birth into the consciousness of the spiritual life. The moment your attention shifts from the carnal to the spiritual and does not look back, you have been baptized whether or not someone puts you under water.

The physical act of baptism was instituted to assist in focusing the mind of the earthbound person toward the spiritual goal. It is a good idea to not only get baptized once, but every now and again to help keep the mind focused on the spiritual rebirth. They did this in the early Mormon church.

Comment: You seem to teach there was not a sacrifice for remission of sins.

No I do not teach this. I teach that this principle is not understood correctly. As I have said many times to sin means “to error.” The shedding of the blood of Christ did much to correct our errors. I have written a considerable amount on this but I will add this. The life, crucifixion and resurrection of Christ corrected error (or redeemed from sin) those who had eyes to see. This is one of the meanings of the atonement. His example lifted up our eyes to the soul where the at-one-moment – the Holy Instant – happens and a change in direction (repentance) occurs.

Some have difficulty in associating the atonement with the removal of guilt. Do you think the atonement does not remove guilt??? I would say it is pretty useless if we are yet left condemning ourselves through guilt.

A reader expresses concern that I indicated that some of the prophets of old had an imperfect understanding or taught doctrines adjusted to the consciousness of the people..

My emphasis was not on the idea that the prophets were wrong. I’m saying they had to plow with the horses they had. They had to adjust their teachings to the consciousness of the day. It is also entirely possible that they did not understand many things correctly. After all, they were not perfect and were ordinary people like you and me. If any person believes the word of any man, angel or god above the Holy Spirit within he has the mark of the beast.

Comment: You consistently ignore scriptures that disagree with your point of view. I mentioned two in my first Atonement post. One was from D&C 19. This is a modern scripture, from a section you also like to quote from. A scripture that was given in English (no translation issues). A scripture that was “after the time of Christ.” Christ is speaking, and in his own words — as clear as a bell — he testifies that he DID suffer for our sins, and that he is now our creditor (a merciful, kind and generous one, at that), but that if we refuse his terms, then we must suffer the rightful consequences of our actions, even as he has done so for us. I’ll cite the verses once again:

D&C 19:16-18 “For behold, I, GOD, HAVE SUFFERED THESE THINGS FOR ALL, THAT THEY MIGHT NOT SUFFER IF THEY WOULD REPENT; But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I; Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit.”

It doesn’t get much clearer than that.

JJ: It must not be that clear because the revelation was not talking about the atonement – at least not the atonement that is preached in the churches.

What suffering was he talking about here?

Verse 20 gives a clue: “Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments of which I have spoken, of which in the smallest, yea, even in the least degree you have tasted at the time I withdrew my Spirit.”

This revelation was given to Joseph Smith and it had meaning to him at that time quite beyond what readers who came afterward gleaned from it.

Joseph had a molecular link with his Master and when this occurs there is a circulation of spiritual energy to a much higher degree than transpires with the normal seeking aspirant. What many do not realize is that there is peril in every step forward we make on the spiritual path. If we endure to the consummation (end) then all is well and life is increased, but if we betray the light we have received the spirit withdraws and the darkness and pain experienced can be great indeed. In addition to this if the circulation of the energy is betrayed by a disciple (such as Judas) there is much pain generated for the Master.

In this case Joseph betrayed some of the light he received and the flow between master and disciple was disturbed (a disturbance in the force) and Joseph experienced as great void of the spiritual life and feared he was doomed to some outer darkness.

The revelation told Joseph that he only had a small taste of what could happen if he did not keep his attention focused on the Spirit.

Jesus was telling him that he had already suffered the full intensity of the spiritual disturbance and if Joseph would listen to his voice such suffering would not be necessary for him.

The spiritual suffering of Jesus had four sources.

(1) The betrayal of Judas greatly disrupted the flow of Spiritual energy almost killing Jesus and rendering the three apostles (Peter, James ad John) unconscious. (2) After the angel saved his life by “strengthening him” he then had to face the dweller on the threshold for the entire world. Because he has faced and overcome the dweller he now has power to shield disciples from it. (See previous posts for more information) (3) As great as Jesus was he resisted the final direction of the Father and asked that he not drink of the cup, or complete his mission. This resistance increased his pain. (4) When the Christ, the Father within finished his mission with Jesus he withdrew his Spirit leading Jesus to exclaim – “my God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me.”

Because Jesus learned from this experience he was telling Joseph that his knowledge could lead Joseph and all who would listen to safe spiritual progress.

When I speak of these things I do not speak lightly, for I have also had this “taste” that is mentioned here and understand the principles of deliverance and the enormity of the spiritual pain if they are not followed.

Reader comment: I have the testimony of scores of prophets. I have the words of Christ.

JJ So do the Jehovah Witnesses and the Taliban. That doesn’t mean they understand them.

Let me remind you that if two people have soul contact on a point of doctrine they will see eye to eye. Whether you are right or wrong, however, you must follow the highest you know.

The sacrifice of Christ was not the physical man or the physical blood, but the Spirit of the Son of God which came into Jesus at his baptism.

Comment: The Atonement is called infinite because it MUST BE broad enough to cover not just a few transgressions, but those of all mankind.

JJ: This is not the meaning which should be obvious. The sin against the Holy Ghost is unpardonable as well as murder for a particular life.

It is called an infinite atonement because when one becomes at-one with the soul it is an infinite step from which there is no turning back.

Joseph was told that if he did not repent he would suffer even as Christ did. That would produce two infinities of suffering which is a mathematical impossibility. Even if it were possible why would Joseph or anyone else have to suffer the pain of billions of people as believers think happened with Jesus?

No one can read the scriptures with a black and white interpretation and understand them. All writings of great teachers can only be understood through the Holy Spirit and the principle of revelation.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Nov 18, 2001

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More on Karma

More on Karma

Question: If we wind up marrying several people in this or several lives then who will we be married to in the next world?

There are several things that determine the answer here. First you will forever have the power of decision and this allows you to marry whoever you want in each life in which you find yourself provided the mate is willing.

Secondly, if there is either great love or hate you will be brought together with this person with whom you have intense feelings. If you think you have left a spouse, but still carry hate or grievance, then in reality you have not left them and will meet again.

In the higher realms there is eternal marriage between all souls and any concept of eternal marriage as taught on the earth is a foreshadowing of a higher union.

Question: You say that karma is merely cause and effect yet normally effect immediately follows cause whereas karma is often delayed. Can you elaborate?

While it is true that karma in its purest definition is merely cause and effect, cause and effect plays out through an infinite variety of ways.

Look around you. The whole universe, the earth, your body, tiny cells, down to the atom are creations made through cause and effect. What is obvious, however, is that the many intelligent creations we see around us are the result of causes initiated by great intelligence which are somehow guided into effects testifying to this intelligence. Many of the effects took eons to fully manifest.

While it is true that gravity often seems to play out its effects in a black and white manner it is also true that when intelligence is incorporated into those causes and effects we can have produced an airplane, still subject to the laws of gravity, but having the ability to seemingly transcend them.

So it is with Karma. Some of it does play out through the simple automatic workings of cause and effect. For instance, if you shove someone, he may automatically shove you back. But suppose you shove someone smaller than yourself and he dares not shove you back. Maybe when you are not looking he will slash your tires.

You may take a rock from a neighbor’s yard and he cares not a thing about it. Yet you may take another apparently worthless rock from another which may be deemed a priceless possession, the loss of which would cause great consternation.

The taking of one rock causes virtually no effect on the one neighbor, but a great emotional effect on the other, especially if the thief knew the value of the rock to the neighbor.

In the first case all cause was associated with physical action. In the second case the added dimension of emotional attachment was added into the equation making a just law of karma much more complicated to materialize. To make this happen there steps in an intelligent force that manipulates situations so eventually the person who took the second rock will realize the pain of having something valuable stolen from him. It matters little whether the object stolen is a rock or a diamond. What matters is that the offender learns what it feels like to lose an object of value by theft.

There are many intelligent lives that assist in the application of Karma from the great (The Lords of Karma) to the small (deva lives and elementals), but even these lives are a part of the grand scheme of karma itself. The Lords of Karma manifest because of the law, and are an intelligent force working within the greater context of karma itself.

One of the things that causes the confusion around karma for the Christian are the orthodox teachings on the atonement and forgiveness of sins.

Many of the things that were called sins (or transgressions) in the days of Jesus were not real causes and effects, but the breaking of laws which had little ort no effect except fort the production of guilt.

For instance, the law commanded the celebration of the Passover. Now suppose you do not celebrate the Passover. Are you damaged in any way? No. Not unless you feel guilt because you displeased an angry God.

They were commanded to offer sacrifice during the new moon. Now suppose you offered it the day after the new moon. Has anything changed? Is there any damage? None, unless one fears offending an angry God.

They were told they could not even eat a piece of bacon. Now let us suppose you grabbed a piece and ate it. Is there any damage outside of guilt for offending an angry God?


The fact is that in the days of Jesus the Jewish people were subject to many laws which had little if any physical cause and effect behind them. Thus when Jesus lead the people to transcend the law he did so not by changing the little cause and effect behind them, but by elevating their conscious ness to the soul to the removal of guilt. When guilt was removed many of the laws became as if they did not even exist.

Many of these laws were not natural laws, but manufactured laws for the purpose of teaching discipline to the ancient Israelites.

Notice that the laws without real effects have almost passed away, but the ones with effects are still in play throughout the world – such as some of the ten commandments as thou shalt not kill, steal bear false witness etc.

Thus the sacrifice of Christ on the cross spoke to the souls of men and released many from conjured up guilt over ephemeral laws, while the law of cause and effect, or karma, remained intact.

Question: Does karma dictate that one who hurts another through an accident has to suffer that same hurt?

If one who caused the accident did all in his power to make things right and had an understanding of the grief he caused there would be no need for him to experience a similar accident to the one he caused. The Agents of Karma could then direct the residual force to move the person to work in the service of his fellowmen.

However, if he had overpowering guilt that he could not shed he may set himself up for an accident as a tool that would remove the guilt.

This is an unnecessary step for those who have atoned with the Christ Consciousness, but many there are who so condemn themselves.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Nov 16, 2001

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The Mystery of Atonement

The Mystery of Atonement

By popular demand I will write a few more words on the atonement seeking to get to its core principle.

The word was used a lot in the Old Testament in reference to animal sacrifices and cleansing processes as atoning for the sins of the ancient Israelites.

This process tended to have a similar effect to the current principle of Catholic confession. The sacrifice or the confessions by themselves do nothing to change outward cause and effect, but they do have a powerful inner effect.

What is that?

The effect is that it removed guilt from the participants.

As I have previously written, this is also one of the effects of looking upon the sacrifice of Christ as a great and final sacrifice. It does not remove karma, or cause and effect, but it can remove the sense of guilt that plagues so many.

It is an interesting fact that the word “atonement” was never spoken by the mouth of Jesus either in the New Testament or in any of the Mormon scriptures. Neither was it written by any New Testament prophet. The King James has Paul speaking it once, (Rom 5:11) but it is mistranslated from KATALLASSO, which means “restoration.” The Book of Mormon prophets did use it quite a lot before the time of Christ just as did the old testament prophets.

The natural question arises then – why is it that Jesus himself was silent both in his life and in various revelations given about this principle?

Could it be that his silence was a witness to the possibility that the common understanding of the principle was not correct and they were not mentally prepared to hear and understand the true principle?

Is it possible that the ancient prophets, good men though they were, had an imperfect understanding that needed correcting in a future time?

This, I believe to be the case.

If I am right then we must ask – what is illusion which clouded the presentation of the ancient teachers?

The answer is simple. It is the power of the beast as taught in the 13th chapter of the Book of Revelation.

To understand this we must remember what the beast is as we discovered in our previous exploration of the subject.

He who is free of the beast leans on the Spirit of God within, or has “the Father’s name written in their foreheads.” Rev 14:1

He who bears the mark of the beast leans, not on the God within, but the God without, and instead has the mark of the beast in his forehead which is the mark “of a man.”

Thus we have two groups of people emerging. Those who lean on the name (or presence) of God within and those who substitute God within for the mark (or authority of) “a man.”

Now here is an interesting point I have not covered yet. Except for a few rare individuals, all people before the time of Christ were under the mark of the beast. In other words, all but a rare teacher leaned on the authority of a teacher, the scriptures or idols that were outside of himself.

This presented a problem to the ancient prophets, even if they themselves had true vision. The people as a whole were not ready to shed the mark of the beast in any land or in any ancient time. Therefore, the prophets were forced to take the highest the people could accept and use this as an instrument of teaching in the hope that it would provide a stepping stone to eventually leave behind the mark of the beast and the nature of the beast from which their bodies had evolved.

In other words, the prophets were forced to incorporate the principle of the mark of the beast within their teachings, or not teach at all.

Thus in teaching the people about the atonement they taught about the coming of a Messiah, a man who would have an existence outside of themselves, away from the God within. The prophets had the hope that the recognizing of a messiah on the outside would lead to the recognition of what his words would do to the inside.

Looking outside of ourselves, for redemption, to the sacrifice of a man, or man/God, is in the true reality leaning on the beast and accepting the mark.

BUT… Because the consciousness of the people was subject to the beast, the demand was for salvation from outside of self, or in the opposite direction of the God within.

The plan then was for the coming of a great teacher who would be the Messiah. While this Messiah would be a man speaking words outside of themselves, the words would penetrate their souls and guide the people to the Holy Spirit which dwells within. When the people then contact the Spirit, they begin to relinquish their dependence on the messiah without and develop faith on the voice of God within.

Thus the great plan of transition from faith on that which is without to that which is within was the monumental atoning work of the Christ.

This was understood by the prophet Alma who said:

“For it is expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice; yea, not a sacrifice of man, neither of beast, neither of any manner of fowl; for it shall not be a human sacrifice; but it must be an infinite and eternal sacrifice.

“Now there is not any man that can sacrifice his own blood which will atone for the sins of another. Now, if a man murdereth, behold will our law, which is just, take the life of his brother? I say unto you, Nay.

“But the law requireth the life of him who hath murdered; therefore there can be nothing which is short of an infinite atonement which will suffice for the sins of the world.

“Therefore, it is expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice; and then shall there be, or it is expedient there should be, a stop to the shedding of blood; then shall the law of Moses be fulfilled; yea, it shall be all fulfilled, every jot and tittle, and none shall have passed away.

“And behold, this is the whole meaning of the law, every whit pointing to that great and last sacrifice; and that great and last sacrifice will be the Son of God, yea, infinite and eternal.” Alma 34:10-14

Notice that Alma says: “there is not any man that can sacrifice his own blood which will atone for the sins of another.”

Now since Jesus came as a man, then the true atonement can not be the sacrifice of the man Jesus, his physical body and his physical blood.

What then was the sacrifice which brought the atonement?

Alma says it is that “great and last sacrifice will be the Son of God, yea, infinite and eternal.”

If the shedding of the blood of a man will not “atone for the sins of another,” then what was sacrificed which brought the atonement and why is it called “infinite?”

John gives us a clue:

“This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me: for he was before me. AND I KNEW HIM NOT: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I coming baptizing with water. And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. and I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, UPON WHOM THOU SHALT SEE THE SPIRIT DESCENDING AND REMAINING ON HIM, THE SAME IS HE WHICH BAPTIZETH WITH ‘THE HOLY GHOST. And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God.” John 1:30-34.

John saw “the Spirit” descend and remain with Jesus. What was the Spirit that came down and “remained” with him?

Jesus said quite clearly over and over that it was not him that was doing the great works, but the “Father” that dwelt within him. This Father was the Son of God that John witnessed descend and remain in Jesus.

The true sacrifice of the son of God was not in the form of a man of flesh and blood being hung upon a cross. Instead it was a being of pure spirit descending from above, sacrificing residence in the realms of pure spirit to reside with men in the flesh.

We have heard that there is significance in the word itself as it is broken up into a trinity of syllables as follows: AT-ONE-MENT.

Some have expressed the idea that AT ONE moMENT in space and time a great synchronization between God and man happened.

There is more truth in this than writers on the subject have realized.

The true atonement, as brought by Jesus, took place when AT ONE moMENT in time and space the lower man was lifted up in consciousness to be AT ONE with the higher spiritual life of the infinite Son of God.

What, then is the atonement in relation to us as individuals?

Our atonement comes when we have faith, not on the man Jesus, but on the words which he brought as taught in the scriptures:

John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

John 6:68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Thus we see that his eternal words “are spirit, and they are life” and if we keep them God will make his home with us.

When we accept the eternal words of Christ and they stimulate the life of the spirit in us AT ONE moMENT, in this “holy instant” God as Spirit descends and we as humans ascend meeting at the midway point of the Christ consciousness.

At this instant we leave our errors (sins) behind never to be the same again. The disciple has now tasted the greater life and the blending AT ONE moMENT of spirit and matter causing an infinite and eternal effect on him so he can never again return to the person he was. He is not perfect and will yet make many mistakes, but he has been atoned toward a new life and path that will forever eclipse the old one.

But what the disciple does not yet realize is that there are numerous atonements and they are all infinite. The first great atonement through the words of Christ is the attainment of soul contact, but after this is achieved there are further steps to take to return to our true home.

The multiple atonements are steps on a great stairway and when one of the steps is taken and the new vision obtained the ascent becomes infinite for the pilgrim does not retreat but goes onward forever in eternal progression and BECOMING until he achieves a fullness of BEING.

Oct 28, 2001

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The Sincere Heart

The Sincere Heart

Just a few comments for those who may have a favorite writer or teacher who may be controversial.

About all we can do in this regard is to seek and present true principles behind revelation and the discovery of truth in the hope that seekers will benefit and sharpen their discernment skills as they proceed along the path.

I’m sure all of us have been inspired by a writing or teacher and then, as greater light came, we moved on. Then on reflection we may have wondered why we were attracted to the teaching to begin with.

The truth is that each of these teachings we find (when the heart is pure) are stepping stones to greater reality.

That which we know now may seem as illusion when several more veils are removed from the heart of God.

Therefore, each of us must proceed with the highest light we have and milk each doctrine that catches our attention until our cup is full. Then the next step will be revealed.

None of the teachers are all right or all wrong. Some are merely closer to the truth than others.

Some in the group feel that Ramtha has something to offer, others do not. The Ramtha group has sold hundreds of my books as well as other helpful books on their list so this and other organizations do provide stepping stones of knowledge in addition to their own teachings.

Again, the important thing to acquire, even above an inspired teacher, is personal soul contact. With soul contact truth can be gleamed from writings filled with illusion. With no soul contact illusion will be seen even in presentations of pure truth.

A reader mentions Lobsang Rampa who is suspected by many to be a fraud in some of his claims. I also found him fascinating in his presentation of teachings and have read all his books. Whether his claim of switching a Tibetan body for a Canadian one is true or not, there are many truths to be gleaned from his teachings.

I found the Teachings of the Masters of the Far East very helpful and inspiring when I first began to study metaphysics, but later found out that Baird Spaulding, the author, had not made the trips to India that is claimed in the books. This discovery did not nullify the positive influence it had on my search for truth.

Like many of us in this group I also took a journey through orthodox religion and indeed found much there I decided to leave behind. But I also found many truths to take with me that will be valuable for the rest of my life and beyond.

I want to stress that all are welcome here no matter who their favorite teacher is. All we ask for is an open mind and a sincere heart.


Question: How does one become aware of “imminent attacks by dark forces”?

JJ Those on the left have a totally different vibration from those on the right hand path. Aspirants have difficulty differentiating until they have felt them both in all their variations.

If the Dark Brotherhood are in the attack mode toward a disciple he will be able to easily tell the vibration is negative. If they are, however, merely laying the foundation for deceit they will attempt to simulate the vibration of the Brotherhood of Light. When this happens only an experience with the dualities of the vibrations of light and darkness will lead the person through the deception to the point of truth. The Dark Brothers cannot duplicate the spiritual fire that accompanies a communion with the Christ, his associates or the soul.

Question: Are we to understand that “the dragon” represents one person? A “dark brotherhood”? Or, perhaps, just an attribute that any of us can and do have from time to time?

An important meaning of the negative aspect of the dragon symbol as presented in the Book of Revelations is deceit as I said in my previous post. It also represents initiates of that deceit whether it be one entity or many. In other contexts it can represent wisdom or even salvation as represented by the serpent lifted up by Moses.

John saw a beast that had the appearance of a dragon and thus brings forth a negative interpretation.

Question: If “the dragon” is, say, the attribute of deceit, why not simply refer to deceit as “deceit”? Why the animated disguise? How does that help understanding?

John did not consciously write the Book of Revelation, but received it as a vision and visions and teaching dreams use the language of symbols. Meditation on any symbol will reveal aspects of truth that mere words like “deceit” cannot express.

A reason for the symbolism is that if John were to have plainly written out the meaning of the book it would have been quickly destroyed by the beast of that era.

Question: What is an “unearned authority”? Too often it seems a phrase given to something we would rather not believe might be true.

Unearned authority is quite easy to identify. This is an authority who expects to be followed even though he cannot demonstrate or show a path to the discovery of the truth of his words.

On the other hand, an earned authority is simply one who can demonstrate or show the way to the truth of his words. The student has tested this authority and found him useful. For instance, a Spanish teacher who can speak the language and teach others how to speak is an earned authority after he has been tested by the student.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Oct 28, 2001

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