The Mystery of Jehovah -- Part One

2001-5-12 15:02:00

We haven't had much comment from my latest writings, but Peter wrote an interesting question:

"Which God was speaking to Moses regarding the name of God? Was it the Ancient of Days (spirit entity) speaking of itself, or was it the Ancient of Days speaking on behalf of the One Great Life (and all spirit entities that manifest the One Great Life), or was it the One Great Life? And as God's name has evolved, has it evolved for the same original entity (God from above), or have different entities manifested God through out time to have been given different names."

JJ's response:

A book could be written on this subject, but I shall try to give a concise answer here.

First let me give an overview of high entities that have an interest in the human kingdom that some have thought to be Gods, masters or the one big God.

  1. Disembodied Spirits of various degrees.
  2. Higher Deva lives or Angels.
  3. The Masters.
  4. Those who are higher than the Masters - the residents of Shamballa including the Ancient of Days and his associates.
  5. The Most High Planetary Spirit and his associates. Little is written about these entities and their existence is only hinted at. Shamballa was established 23 million years ago when the Ancient of Days arrived here, but the earth itself is billions of years old and has been occupied since it's creation by an entity even higher than the Ancient of Days. Entities in contact with Him/Her/It are planetary spirits who work with the lower kingdoms.
  6. The lower Planetary Spirit and Him/Her/It's manifestations. Just has we have a higher and lower self so has the earth from its beginning. The lower planetary spirit is a baby in evolution and has not yet reached self consciousness. Because of this, the higher self of the planet, The Most High Planetary Spirit, does not generally have direct contact that I know of with the self-conscious human kingdom, but when contact is made it is through a lower order of spirit. The Ancient of Days, sometimes called our Planetary Logos, is in deep communion with the higher and lower selves of the planet and is a mediator between them and the lower kingdoms as the Christ is a mediator between Shamballa and mankind.
  7. The planetary Logoi of Saturn, Venus and a hidden planet. These entities are the Ancient of Days within their own planetary spheres and have representatives who live in Shamballa. These have contacted humanity from time to time either directly or through their representatives and such contact has been interpreted to be a contact with "God," and indeed from our perspective they are as Gods.
  8. The Solar Logos. This entity pays attention to the earth and the other planets as a whole, but rarely does the human kingdom or an individual entity here on earth get its attention. The Christ is the one exception that is known for he was so much in tune with the Love energy that he called forth a sympathetic vibration from the Solar Logos who is the pure essence of Love from our point of view.
  9. The Brotherhood of Light on Sirius. This brotherhood which is much more advanced than the one on our earth will send a "consultant" to work with us here from time to time.
  10. Contacts through your own soul, including your personal Monad, or your personal "Father in Heaven" of which you are a reflection.

There are others, but these are the main contacts which have been thought to have been gods in ages past.

Now let us examine Peter's questions:

"Which God was speaking to Moses regarding the name of God? Was it the Ancient of Days (spirit entity) speaking of itself, or was it the Ancient of Days speaking on behalf of the One Great Life (and all spirit entities that manifest the One Great Life), or was it the One Great Life?"

The One Great Life only works through Its' representatives. Any person who is a Master or higher, who is in alignment with God's Purpose on this little planet is one with God and speaks for God, or the One Life.

So was it the Ancient of Days who spoke to Moses? No, it was not.

Was it Jesus or the Christ? After, all some scriptures do seem to indicate that Jesus was Jehovah?

The reason for this perception is that all higher lives who serve the planet bear the name of Jesus Christ because they are "anointed to deliver." Jehovah was anointed to deliver the Hebrews out of slavery so he bore this great name.

Even so, He was not the entity who was Jesus or the Christ.

Others believe that Jehovah was he captain of a spacecraft and the pillar of fire was a UFO. This is also not the case -- at least not in the way we conceive space travel.

The question is: Who was this mystery being? The answer has been shrouded in mystery and only hinted at by sages past. We shall explore this more fully next.


-- End Of Part One --


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Part Two

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